Different Perspective

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Looking at things closely can really help bring life into perspective

Like time

Time is all in the eyes of the beholder

or so I've been told

When you are young it seems that timing is everything to Elders

Being to places early or on time

school, practice, planned events, appointments

Waking up in the morning to get the most out of your day

and then turning around and going to bed on time to get up and do it all again

If going to a friend's house you had to be back on time

before lunch, before supper, before dark

figuring out when to say or do something at the right time

the right moment

and those moments are all I want back

not the childhood moments

but just moments

like memories

Moments can be infamous

or vanish in an instant

It seems like when waiting on something a day can stretch into infinity

Every time you look at the clock the hands stand frozen or you think that digital number will never flicker to the next

While reading you want just a little more time to grasp something or find a conclusion to a thought

And searching for the time to start the books that you want to read

there seem to be so many

Searching for time to spend with friends when everyone is so busy

to share and create those memories you hold onto so dear when you can't be around them

Trying to pack as many tasks as you can into one or several days

everything you have to do and get done on a timely basis

So you can finally get that one moment to be alone with yourself

that sometimes seems to never come

I have no concept of time

it seems like everything blurs together

and I forget things

even things that happened not even a few minuets ago will at times not stick

forgetting something I just did can be scary

For me time can last forever or be gone just as quick as it came

Time seems to be running out

everyone is on a fixed clock that keeps running until it ends

when we end

when we vanish

no one lives on into infamy

Maybe to our friends and family

and every life we touched along the way

sooner or later though we all will be forgotten

and those bad times, memories, and moments are worth nothing

you will spend your time worrying too about what happened

what you could have done better

wanting so bad to change your past

they are all in the past and not of the present

if you don't take advantage of what time you have now you will regret it

worrying about the future gets you nowhere either

my dear peruser

it causes nothing but pain and stress

and is not worth the effort if you spend too much time dwelling

But are not those moments great

the ones we create and leave people with

those memories that get us through our days

waiting for those happy times to come

for things to get better

for a brighter tomorrow

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