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Each character will have time to shine in the rain, some will be marked with their names in the title! All of these ideas are not canon and if they are it was a tad unintentional as this is being written for fun. I do not claim the art for the cover or the characters as my own! Most everything is purely how I personally think they would react to these things!


-I am NOT a new writer, but most of my work will have errors due to me not taking this seriously as it is solely for my enjoyment and yours you degenerates!! Criticism is perfectly fine but please make sure not to tag me multiple times or make rude comments on other people's remarks. 

-Several, if not all of these will be dark! read with caution please! Do not report the book, if you cannot read something then don't read it, please.

-Your suggestions WILL get read but please be patient, if they don't appear in new chapter updates it is because i AM human and have a life outside of Wattpad. 

-THERE IS TRIGGERING TOPICS IN HERE!!!!! scar mentions, death mentions and self inflicted wounds 

-If you are hurting, just know that ME as a person who struggles with their own demons does see you are not invisible no matter how much your mind tells you that you are. Harming yourself, or even death will not make it any better. I know it is cliche to say it but from my eye's death has only brought more pain and more tears...and more suffering. 

If no one told you yet 

I am proud of you for waking up this morning and getting up, i am proud of you for eating even the little you did because that little still counts. You got this! Keep that chin up and those beautiful, life filled eyes towards the chance and possibility of something better 

I love you, no matter what anyone says I still think your interests have meaning and that you really are pretty/handsome when you smile. 

You SHOULD eat, because every day on this Earth should be spent celebrating the life you have, and personally I am proud and honored to know I got to be born when I did, means I got to meet all of you! 

You really are amazing, gosh, don't think you realize just how incredible you are, there can never be a replacement for you because . . . there truly will never be another you 

Don't be afraid to lean on their shoulder, do it while you still can so you can live life with little to regret, and more to learn from. Don't go beating yourself up when you fail, you are not perfect and that is okay 

Yes it is okay to cry, no matter your gender, or your age, your tears are every part of you as your arms and laugh , there is nothing to be ashamed of 

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