49- not the man you think he was

Start from the beginning

I knew the question was coming. It had to. That's essentially why I was there. That's what everyone was burning to know... the truth behind why Roger was outside Mel's office confessing his love to me. And I'd had some time to think of an answer that wouldn't have the papers down my throat tomorrow morning.

"Well what most people don't know is that me and Roger met on the third of November in seventy seven... so over three years ago. We simply came across one another in some little bar we both like."

"Three years ? Wow. And how long have you two been... in love as Roger's said." Andy took a glance towards the camera as he saw me shuffle in my seat, my fingers tapping against my thigh as I prepared my response.

"I fell in love with him at a very inconvenient time, and it couldn't quite work out between us, and we erm... well we fell apart. And we didn't see each other for a long time after that." I tried my hardest to word the truth in the best way I could, trying not to tell the real severity of it but at the same time avoid lying.

"So do we have reason to believe that you are in fact the reason as to why his previous relationship with Dominique Beyrand didn't work out ?" I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes, to bury my head or walk away, knowing that the press would jump at this and label me as a 'homewrecker' and a 'slut'. I had to be as careful as I could, which most interviews made extremely difficult.

"It was Roger's relationship to end... not mine. I have no idea what term it was under- we weren't talking at the time. I only remember finding out through the press." I took another glance at the drummer, laughing at the slightly enthusiastic thumbs up he gave me which didn't fail to reassure me.

"But how have you and Taylor managed to become what you are now ?" Andy asked, grinning in my direction again with the greedy desire to squeeze as much truth as he could from me.

"Well a couple of months ago, I think it was around October time, we passed one another on the street. And we got back in touch. We were nothing but friends, until Christmas Day. When I realised I wanted to be with him. There was a little tricky patch we went through in the process to getting to where we are now, but I can safely say we're happily tougher- and by all means in love. Some people might think we haven't quite gotten to a point that should be considered love... but some people aren't me and Roger. No one else knows the truthfulness of our story."

"No I'm sure they don't..." he laughed. "But Miss Petrov I am obliged to ask- are the rumours of you carrying his baby true ?"

"No I'm not pregnant." I laughed in response, replacing the hurt and frustration the press caused with a simple denial and laugh. "We're not planning to start a family quite so soon."

"But are the claims that the two of you were both using drugs and alcohol in the earlier weeks of this year true ? There were several pictures of you and Roger in appalling states in the papers... the two of you seeming heavy under the influence and intoxicated."

That's what got me. That's what hit me first. It was a question that had trapped in four tight, suffocating walls that allowed no variation of escape. I felt my hearts beat quicken, and my head toss and turn and tumble in a desperation to find a response as the silence answered for me. It said more than I had in only a matter of seconds, much that Andy's pure enjoyment as his toothy grin leaked wider.

I didn't dare to look at Roger. How could I ? I knew he would be burning with anger and offer no smile or enthusiasm that could ease me in that moment,

"I was drunk on the occasion or two... but we all like a drink. And I'm here to talk about myself aren't I ? Not just Roger." I chuckled slightly, a mixed relief seeming to leave besides the laughter as the presenter nodded. I didn't managed to realise I'd let him perfectly to his next remark.

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