A Hero is Born Pt.1

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"The thing you need to understand about the old legends, is that the story is never finished. There may be no pages left to turn, but there is always more to The Journey. Rising from the netherworld, the Demon Bull King attacked. No one could stop him. No one could resist. No one, except... the legendary Monkey King. The Monkey King used his magical staff to pick up a nearby mountain. He trapped the Demon Bull King underneath it. The Monkey King sealed the mountain with The Staff that no other being could wield, trapping the Demon Bull King forever. With the battle won, the Monkey King vanished, never to be seen again. Legend says the staff still lies on top of that mountain. The one thing keeping our world from certain destruction. And with the Demon Bull King gone, civilization was able to advance into the amazing city we now live in. A world of elegant cultures. Gentle, loving people. A city brimming with five-star cuisine. All because of the Monkey King!" Tang finished telling the story while MK looking so excited after hearing the story

"Oh, Monkey King is so cool! He's so strong and handsome!" MK said while doing poses

"Oh, MK. I thought you knew all the Monkey King stories" Tang said with a smile as he leaned back

"He sure does Uncle Tang" A young girl with light pink hair and red eyes entered the shop, she also works with MK. Her uniform is a dark pink, wears a white apron around her waist, a white cloth on her head and white gloves

"Sakura!" MK ran towards the girl and gave her a hug almost losing her balance

"Easy MK, you almost tackled me into the wall" Sakura said as she regained her balance

"Heh, sorry about that" MK apologized and he ran to get his book about Monkey King that was created and illustrated by MK himself. He explained everything he knows about Monkey King like how he was born from a stone and lives behind a waterfall with his sweet little baby monkeys

"It's nice to know that someone is taking in all these stories. Pearls of wisdom dripping from my lips" Tang said

"But I do love the story you told me about the Cherry Blossom Goddess when I was younger Uncle Tang" Sakura said with a smile

"The Cherry who now?" MK asked

"The Cherry Blossom Goddess, she's from the Japanese mythology. Sakura found a book full of mythology from Japan and asked me to read about the goddess. Did you know the goddess also knows Monkey King?" Tang asked which caught MK's attention

"What?! For reals!?" MK shouted

"Yeah, Uncle Tang told me about it when I was a child" Sakura said and Tang cleared his throat

"Well, you know the deal, one story, one free bowl of Zha Jiang mian along with my niece's famous Osmanthus cake" Tang said

'Oh boy, Uncle Pigsy isn't gonna like this' Sakura took cover under the stall

"Huh? Oh right, free noodles! Yep, on it! So how did the goddess meet the Monkey K-" MK was caught off by a wooden spoon and came a very angry pig

"Free noodles and free sweets?! No one gets a free meal at Pigsy's! I'm not running a charity here, Tang!" Uncle Pigsy yelled, and Tang slightly moves Pigsy away

"Ah, but Pigsy, I was paying with wisdom" Tang said but that made it worse

"Yeah?! Well, wisdom don't pay rent either you freeloader!" Pigsy yelled again and looked angerly at MK

"And you! You've been slacking off all morning and made my sweet niece do all the work! I've got dozen of more orders that needs to go out, so quit slacking and get packing!" Pigsy yelled again and I started coming out from under the stall

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