A certain hero

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For narrator

For character speaks
   " character: "

For inner voice
  " inner voice "


The story  is begin at NT22R ( most commonly known for being NTR22 if you know what i mean 😏😏)


The fight between Touma and another Touma(KnT) is about to end  and Touma Kamijou is about to win the doppelganger suddenly cry and said

Touma(KnT): WHY!!! if only you let me finish this one night everything will be perfect and nobody will notice that i replace you and i will be gone tommorow but your ego will not let go

Touma: i know that it was easy if i let this go but even this was i wish for it feels that it wasnt right at all and i will fullfill my selfish desire on my own and even it means that i must destroy you

the two clash but neither of the two realise that the power of the two multiply in a very high degree and  dragging  everyone around them especially Index,Misaka and, Misaki which is still shock by the two identical figure that trying to kill each other and the most shocking part is that Touma trying kill someone even that person is somewhat himself that make them think why

Touma(KnT): this is what you wish for is it not?  to know your forgoten past and make everyone happy im doing this because its your wish

hearing this words some people wonder why does Touma(KnT) doing what Touma's wish if he really desire to acomplish it without a making someone hurt

???: please stop (tears are flowing while she utter this word)

it was Misaki who say it

then the two transform into a being that always told in many myth and fairy tale and it was a dragon that is twice the size of a adult person and within their mouth a light flicker and grow that it blind people directly look  at it and it was a dragon breath a true and genuin dragon breath that can destroy the moon with one blast but it was two breath is colliding and then everything went bright and hear a familliar glass shattering sound and when the light faded the hotel is gone none of it remain even a clue that a hotel exist and the people inside


Touma's POV

"everything is look wierd" as Touma look at his surroundings it reminds him of the time when Othinus bring him a hundred billion types of hell on earth when Othinus is a full power Magic God but this feels different it was him piercing a sheet of paper multipule times and the world is changing as this goes on and on he feels his strength is fading as his conciousness as well "damn im losing my conciousness " and Touma sleeps


Somewhere a certain fanboy is training to be a hero in a certain beach as he pull a large metal junk for his training


Izuku's POV

"i must endure this All Might is counting on me i must not fail his expectations" Izuku Midoriya AKA "deku" is over thinking as usual in his quest to be a hero as he knows All Might's secret and become the inheritor of the said secret known as One for All (OFA) as the quirk is every dangerous if your body is not strong enough to handle the power

as deku is doing his daily training he saw a blinding light and after that a humanoid object fall in every alarming speed as he saw this deku cannot help but to panic as the object is crashing near him as the object hit the ground it create a shockwave that toss deku in several meters in the air tossing him at a large mountain of scraps that he needs to remove and after he recover with a light injury he look at the site where the object landed(crash) leaving a large crater and when the smoke of dust are gone he was suprise

deku: What just happen?!!! (screaming as loud as he can)

deku just saw a person just fall like a meteor

Chapter 1 END

illusion killer in the hero world (toaru x mha crossover)Where stories live. Discover now