today is gonna bite me in the butt tommorrow

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"Im walking on sunshine!!"

Ugh my phones going off. I put on the most annoying song so i would actually get up in the mornings to turn it off. I got out of bed and went to my closet pulled on a light green tanktop and jean jacket and jeans and my white vans. Im not here to impress anyone so i just pulled my hair into a ponytail. I dont wear makeup because i dont like the feel of it but also i have no use for it im not beautiful but im not ugly. I check my watch and see i have twenty minutes to get to school. My moms already at school and my dads on a buisness trip this morning so he left early. So that means that imleft with my sister she is a freshman while im a junior. She is rushing trying to find her phone and keys. I look at the hook where they normally are and there they are dangling there. I grab them and turn to her "genius there right here" i toss them to her. She catches them and thanks me. She then finds her phone and we head out to the car. I dont have a phone because i have no use for one because i dont have anyone to text. My sister has more of a social life then ido but thats one less person to worry about and they wont try to push me to solve my problem with maria like the last friend i had."sorry about your leg i didnt mean to hurt you. I hope you'll forgive me and i really am sorry" i nod my head cause i hate lieing to her. I told my parents that it got mess up when i feel off the table and didnt tell them about what maria did to my leg. Its not broken and i dont need crutches even though they tryed to give them to me.its just a sprang. I now have a thingy around my ankle. And a brase around my knee because thats where the damage is. We pull up to the school but we spend a few extra minutes jamming out like weirdos to the last part of the song shots. When we got out we were laughing at how stupid we must have looked. The few people that were here were giving us weird looks but nether of use give a crap about personal apperences unlike most teens. I dont care if like me or hate me just dont make any assumption about me cause you dont know me. We seperate way when we walk through the school doors. She went to her group of friends and boyfriend. While i went to the football feild and sat on the bleachers. I dont normally sit out here but i normally dont stay in one spot for a few days because then maria will now where to find me. I worked on some homework waiting for school to start. I then saw a shadow go over my head blocking my light. I look up and theres marias bestfriend who im not sure why she is friends with maria when she slept with her boyfriend is standing looking down on me. "Hey troll move somewhere else you are in my spot"

"These are big bleachers pick somewhere else to sit"

"Who do you think your talking to you little slut?"

"Oh im sorry im the slut, i thought that was who i was talking to but im sadly mistaken you are the schools slut and mean a$$ bitsh"

"You better shut up know before i beat the crap otu of you and then have my good friend maria come back and give you more" i flinch and she sees that she just won.

"I dont think shes a good friend if shes efing your boyfriend behind your back" i say standing to walk away. She growls at me and pushes me and with my bad leg i fell down the bleachers since i was at the top. I hit my leg again and it started hurting so bad my eyes welled up but then i hit the side of my face on the bleacher and my arm scraped the side. I can feel the blood running down my arm. I curl up in a ball on the grass. And she comes down and towers over me again. "Watch what you say about maria and my boyfriend. You dont know jack sh!t about anything. They wouldnt hurt me like that" she then walks away. I just curl up in a ball and bawl my eyes out and cry. Then i feel a hand on my arm i look up and there someone looking down at me. "Hey are you ok?" i just groan in pain as a response. "Oh wow your bleeding lets get you to the nurse" i felt my self being lifted and carring bride style. I then sit there trying to not thinl about the pain. "How can i he- oh god what happened? Theres blood. Set her on the bed" i was set on the bed and i felt hand on me probing for anything broken. Then a ice pack was placed on my cheek and i felt someone wipping the blood of my arm. "This might sting a little im gonna put some cleaning alcohol on it" there was a stinging pain in my arm but i made no change to the pain. "Your alive arnt you. Ive never met someone.who doesnt atleast flinch at the rubbing alcohol" i just sat quitely because if i open my mouth ill scream in pain. Then she started messing with my ankle and i screamed out on pain.   Then o felt cool hands on my forehead smoothing my hair back from my head. But the hands where still on my ankle so whos touching my head. I open my eyes and are met with caramel brown ones and dark brown haired guy. Wait i now this person he is....omg thats marias boyfriend. Shes gonna kill me if she finds out he was trying to take car of me. I groan but they probably think its the pain. I then sit up and the room spins a little and then when it stops i stand and the pain is barable. I then see him sitting there and i look in his direction and the look a the nurse "may i call my parents and go ome. I dont know if i can make it throigh the rest of the day" i actually think i can i just dont want to stay at school when maria can come at me and i have a free pass to get out. "Yes you may. Well call your parents" "oh no thats ok ill give them a call and i have car so ill drive home"

"Sweet heart you cant drive with that injured leg"

I didnt think of that.

"Ill drive her"

It was cameron whi said it. No no no maria will kill me.but what choice do i have. "That sounds great. Ill have you excused from your first classes but i want you back right after mister" he nods his head flashing his perfect smile. Oh did i mention he is the most hottest and most popular guys in school. Another person who can make my lofe a living he!! .

"But before you leave i need to know what happened for the records." ive been waiting for this. " i tripped and fell down the bleachers" she looked at me and contempladed it but i can tell she ows these marks where reopened. But she cant do anything about it. I turned and limped out the room. "Take care or her mister Johnson " i heard her whisper to cameron. But i was to far to hear if he even made a comment. I wait for him in the parking lot. He walks out the doors and up to me. I look around for maria or anyone else that might see us and tell her. "Who are you looking for?" "uh your girlfriend. You cant tell her you talked to me or helped me. You know what dont tell her you even looked at me or dont even mention me" i say stern but with a pleading look. "Um ok. I guess. But shouldnt you be afraid of crystie since shes the one that pushed you down the bleachers" i recoiled. "Why would you say that?" "well i kind of saw the whole thing " he says shrugging. "Oh well yeah. Can we just go im tired and want to go to sleep" he nods and we head to his car. We get in and i give him the directions to my house. We drive in silence. He then pulls up to my house when i remembered. "Hey um i kind of didnt tell my sister that i was leaveing and i have the keys cause it was my turn to drive back. Can you give them to her?"

"Sure. I hope you get better and i wont mention you to maria." he winks and i climb out and up to my house after giveing him the keys. I walk to my room and throw my self on my bed. This day is got bite me in the but tomorrow i just know it.

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