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We stay on this position like that for a good 5 min. When I realize what I done. I get up from and walk inside fast. I don't know what was he's reaction but I didn't care less. I went in my room and lock the door. I lay on my bed. I look up and touch my lips. I kiss him... My cousin best friend... Kayla what are you going to do now... I'm going to ignore him.. it's just a kiss.. it didn't mean nothing for him...The moment that I'm talking with myself... he already calling his side chick...Yea so I don't need to be worried... I close my eyes and try to sleep. But I keep see Reggie kissing me, sliding his hands inside of my shirt. He left my lips and went travel my neck. I jump out of my sleep. I look around to see if he was really here. I run at my bathroom. I look at the mirror to see if I don't have any hickey. Nothing I sigh of relief. I couldn't sleep anymore. I decide to go at the workout room. 

-Next morning-

I was still at workout room with music blast out inside the room. Lucky this room is soundproof. I didn't look at the time. I went out the room with my towel around my neck while drinking water. I past in front the kitchen. when I heard a nickname that only someone that call me. I turn around and see him. I drop my bottle and run into his arms. 


"Ya pada. I don't want to be deaf. I was on business trip. So I was busy, now I'm in vacation. I came to see Christy and she told that you're here. So why not surprise my pada that I love so much. But now she's sweaty so bad. Don't tell me you stay at the workout room since last night till now??" He said 

The guys in question is my close cousin Jackson. He knows me more than I know myself. I was still hugging him like koala style. 

"Wait what time is it? *I look at the oven and see 10:30 am* Oh damn it's morning. I didn't know" I said while getting off of him. 

"Why you happened for you to workout so hard like that" He asks me 

I was about to talk when someone start to talk. 

"Hey Jack! You already here, wait let me call Kayla...oh you already meet her" Christy said while entering the kitchen

She walk in with The person that make me workout all night. Reggie... I was starting go on my thought. When I felt someone wrapped me from behind. 

"Yea I found a cutie tiny pada walking from the workout room all sweating. She stops bye when I call her to know if the pada that I know. And turn out it's my pada that I know and I love" He said while kissing my temple 

I roll my eyes 

"Why are you hugging me if you're roasting me like that" I said 

He chuckle and unwrapped me. I chuckle too, I feel someone staring at me. I look and see Reggie death glare at me. He was glaring at me like I did something wrong. I ignore it.  Christy looks at me weird and asks me 

"Don't tell me you workout none stop?" She asks me 

"It's seems so, Anyway I'm going take a shower and sleep" I said while walking out for going at my room

I walk inside my room. I went grab some comfy clothes and walk at the bathroom.But my back meet the wall and I was trap. 

"Wt-" I was cut 

"Who's this guy downstairs, how he cans touch you like that" Reggie ask me with a tin anger on his voice

"First it's none of your business. Second, get off of me and let me alone" I told him while trying to remove his tight 

"You're mine so it's my business" He said dark voice

"I'm not yours so don't act like that" I glare at him 

"You're mine since the moment my eyes land on you. The moment my lips touches yours. The moment that my hands travels ur body... only my junior left for you to be mine completely" He said with growl at the end

All his words was kind of turn for me. 

"Sorry but I can do whatever I want, hold whoever I want and *learn to ear* Fuck whoever I want. So I'm not yours and will never be" I said finally remove his grips on me. 

I was about to walk out. But I was smash on the wall again. I was about to snap at him but I felt his lips on mine... 

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