Chapter 2 /Daemon

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The Death of King Jaehaerys II Targaryen his reign was a short 3 years which were all taken up by the war of the Ninepenny Kings he died from a short illness that left him out of breath sadly he died at the age of thirty seven in the year 260 AC his youngest Grandchild was two name days old while Rhaegar was 3 and to ascend to the throne King Aerys II Targaryen

High septon:Do you Aerys Targaryen second of his name pledge to faithfully serve the realm be it for the good or the bad

Aerys:I pledge to serve the realm faithful be it for the good or the bad

High septon:then by the power of the gods of the seven may the father bless you with divine justice may the the mother bless you with mercy, peace, fertility, and childbirth to the queen may the crone bless you with wisdom and foresight may the warrior bless you with strength and courage may the smith bless you with creation may the maiden give your children purity, innocence, love, and beauty. And may the stranger bless you with a king and great rein until your death

Aerys:may the seven gods be good

High septon:then in the power blessed by the gods themselves I name you Aerys Targaryen First of his name , The King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm Long May He Reign

The high septon then puts on Aerys crown on his head as every one who was in witness

Court:-kneels-Long may he Reign

And with that he rose and looked out into the crowd and court along with the powerful lords and lady who was kneeling infront of him he then put on a smile before making his first proclamation as king

Aerys:for my first proclamation I name Tywin Lannister to be my Hand of the King

Tywin then stood up from the crowd before bowing

Tywin:it would be my honor your graces

Aerys nodded his head before dismissing the courts ,crowds and great lords

-time skip-

We see Rhaella walking down the hall this was right after Aerys was crowned as king as all her lady's in waiting where following her Along with Joana Lannister a lady in waiting for Rhaella as they where walking Joana decided to ask

Joana:with whom will you marry Rhegar and Daemon too my queen

Rhaella:they will choose that them selves

Joana was surprised for years the king would always betroth the princes too other powerful lords

Rhaella:I won't make them live a loveless life with someone they don't love so they'll decided that when they are of age

Joana:yes my queen (she bowed) sorry for the intrusion

Rhaella:(wave her hand dissuasively) don't worry about it Joana your questions are always out of Curiosity

Joana:and that's a good thing

Rhaella:well of course it is that's how things where discovered by someone curiosity

Joana looked at Rhaella in awe and with much admiration 

-scene change-

It's been a month sense Aerys ascended to the Throne his reign has been prosperous with him rebuilding everything that need to be rebuilt after the war of the ninepenny kings and as for Daemon well we see him at the stables looking at all the rowdy horses he then gain a mischievous look before opening all the stables which lead to all the horses running free he then went to the the smallest mare a adolescent in fact black as the night sky with red eyes for some reason Daemon got an instant bond with the horses before he released it holding pen and got on the horses before he joined the chaos that has befallen kingsLanding

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