Ch. 2

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Count Down:                                  Day Twelve;

Oct. 19th, 1983,


"Clayton, the Ladies would like to meet you, so you will be coming with me, today." My mum said as she was dishing out breakfast.

She dropped it on me out of nowhere when I least expected it. It was one of the rare mornings where we were all present to eat, my father with a newspaper in hand, my mother with an apron on over one of her extravagant outfits, and me. I was still in my pyjamas.

My mother had woken me up early, way before my alarm was due to go off. She might as well have dragged me out of bed with the way she nagged me until I was fully up.

Sometimes I found myself contemplating ignoring her, but I knew she was a one-track-mind kind of woman that wouldn't relent until she had her way. That thought was always enough for me to comply, however, it didn't change the extent of my annoyance when I realised my early start was just so she could tell me my afternoon had been booked without my prior knowledge or consent.


Today was the beginning of the month and I had planned to make it a month without worry. I told myself I was going to study and do the best I could since that was something I could control. I repeated to myself whatever was to happen would happen and that was okay. I was just going to let go, hang out with people- friends from school and have fun. No stress. No worries. No burdens.

It was kind of like an unofficial new years resolution, only made over a month early.

However, how was I meant to follow through with that plan when I was being dragged around to uncomfortable situations with people I never met before? What was I even supposed to do when around people so much older than me? Stand there and look pretty? The thought made my lip twitch slightly, threatening to express my opinion on the matter. That being said, I forced a smile on my face knowing 'back chatting' was something she wouldn't approve of.

"Mum, you know I would love to, but I have some maths homework I need to complete," I tried to persuade her without directly saying I didn't want to go. I have found sugar-coated words were the quickest way to my mother's soul, her always being one for the social pleasantries and all.

"Oh hun, you did so well on your test, taking one break won't hurt. Now, go get ready for school," she dismissed me with a wave of her hand, not sparing me a glance from where she was sitting. I was going to take one more shot when my dad jumped in.

"It's okay son, you deserve it," he agreed, leaving me no room to speak further on the topic.


"Could I at least eat my food first?" I asked, already seated with my food in front of me.

"Don't be silly, you know you can't eat at the table in your pyjamas. Now go on," she chuckled as if I told a funny joke.

Inwardly groaning, I put down my cutlery, heading up the stairs like I was told. With them both on the same page, there was no point in me arguing my case- not when I knew there was no chance of me changing their minds on either subject. The only thing I could do would be to pick out a formal outfit for this afternoon.

I was happy she wanted her friends to meet me, but this wasn't the first time I was pulled around by one of my mother's whims and I knew it wouldn't be the last. She called it 'mother-son bonding time' and the only thing that was a guarantee to get me out of it, was if my father wanted me for one of his work gatherings or something of the sort.

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