°Chapter 4°

424 26 192

°Your POV°

Officially the first day of school– Oh boy.

I walked into the building, and immediately just– Forgot what direction my class was in. I sighed. What was I going to do...

I walked around, probably looking so fucking stupid– I tried to remember the general area. I went in the direction I thought it was in, hoping it'd be there.

After a while of wondering, the bell rang, signaling I'd be late. I sighed, realizing it'd be a long day...

Finally, after what felt like forever, I found the class.

"You must be Y/N," My teacher, Mr. Taylors said. He looked around the class. "You sit by Mark over there," He said, pointing to some random kid. I sighed, and didn't say anything and went to the seat.

I walked to my seat, and looked at that kid, Mark. 

They were the kid I had bumped into a few days ago. Definitely wasn't going to be awkward...

I sighed, but didn't pay any attention to the situation. I just looked at my teacher, and tried to listen. Just he was just introducing himself to us, and giving us information on himself and his family. So nothing useful...

I got a pen from my backpack, and just– Started doodling on my hand. It wasn't anything. Just a little smiley face, and a small heart beside it. 

I looked in the direction of the teacher, but something caught my eye. I saw the kid next to me look at their hand. Their eyes almost widened it seemed? I couldn't tell very well. They immediately looked away from their hand.

I looked down at my hand, and saw my ring. Currently, it was like– A weird purple with a mix of green color. So then that meant they were scared but also happy? Strange mix of feelings... (I want to just say a couple things. 1. I forgot about this AU LMAOOO Oops 2. ive decided that it wouldnt reveal you've met your soulmate until you officially introduce each other😌)


Class ended, now it was time to find my foods class... What a weird class. Teaching people to bake, or something? My foods class was actually a baking class, rather than a normal cooking one? I don't know... People don't know how to do that? (i dont very much LMAO)

I found the class a lot sooner than before. I sat at a random spot, at whatever table didn't have anyone at it. Other people walked in. I looked at my ring, and saw it was a red color. So... Angry? I hope my soulmate was alright...

Wait, why the hell do I care– I'm not going to get close to them, anyway, with my career... It hurt acknowledging it, but I just had to accept it. I sighed at the thought. 

I wasn't paying attention, so when someone sat down at the table with me, I jumped slightly, then noticed– It was the only table that wasn't completely full yet. I sighed, and looked at the person, realizing it was once again that Mark kid... My God, why were they in all my classes already?

I looked at their hand, and saw their soulmate ring. It appeared to be a red color, like mine. Just now mine was turning a grey color, signaling my soulmate was bored. Interesting...

Class started, and went by quick. Nothing important or big happened, besides we went to the kitchens to find whatever supplies we needed for some reason... I didn't say a word to Mark that entire time. And when class ended, now it was time for me to find the lunchroom. Maybe I should just follow a big crowd of people. That way maybe I could actually find it...


°Ranboo's POV°

DISCONTINUED Assassin | Ranboo x Assassin Reader (Assassin and Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now