Repost! Because today is Bakugou's actual bday!

Start from the beginning

He could only see Mina's feet from where he was. He was so focused on it he didn't notice the huge pair of hands coming towards him. Another pair reached for the small gifts that sat beside him.

He was brought to a chest and cradled as he finally got to make out his surroundings. Bakugo held the tiny gifts in his hand confused. Kiri held him and Mina held Kaminari brushing away his tears.

Mina sat on the bed cradling Kaminari as she ruffled his hair. The red haired Kiri did the same with Sero. Once the giants saw their friends horrified faces from their fight they immediately felt bad.

Bakugo stood facing them, still confused about the little gifts they had with them. He slowly opened one reading 'From Kaminari' revealing tiny explosions and skulls stickers. The one 'From Sero' was four packs of little spicy gummy candies.

He smirked at the small gifts, the items were kind of cute. Especially with the size difference. When he looked back up he saw the two little ones looking up at him hopefully as they sat in their friend's palms.

Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"Thanks." He whispered quietly.

But loud enough for the humans to catch it as they grinned ear to ear proud of themselves.


It was awkwardly quiet as the five sat in silence. The three giants felt guilty as they watched their human classmates still tremble from the fight not to long ago.

Bakugo sighed taking a few steps closer to the bed crouching down.

With a better eye level of the humans, he hoped to be less intimidating.

"Um-guys." He spoke gaining everyone's attention. "Sorry." He muttered, looking from one human to the other.

Sero was the first to speak up, shifting slightly in Kiri's palms.

"I-It's okay...just scared us a bit." He assured scratching the back of his neck.

Kaminari responded by smiling.

Kiri immediately shook his head.

"No. It's not okay." He spoke staring down at Sero. "We were completely fighting over nothing, it was stupid." He muttered.

Mina nodded bringing Kaminari closer for a hug.

Bakugo nodded as well in thought.

" y'all even get in here?!" He growled glaring at the two tinies.

Kaminari gulped, as Sero avoided eye contact. Mina rolled her eyes.

"Leave them alone, we already scared them enough! Now let's go to your party!" She giggled.

Bakugo rolled his eyes, not putting up a fight that would just scare the tinies anyway. He gently put his gifts in his pocket as he opened the door. Kiri placed Sero in his pocket, while Kaminari was placed in Ashido's pink messy hair.

The two giants walked out carefully while the blonde grumbled as he was the last to leave shutting the door.

He caught up with the group reaching in Kiri's pocket for Sero and scooping Kaminari out of Mina'a hair. The other two giants stopped in the hallway as they watched him. Bakugo huffed as he shifted them both onto one of his hands bringing them up to his red eyes.

The two looked up at his confused.

The giant ruffled each tiny's hair as he held them to his chest.

"I'll let you two extras have some cake at the party." He grumbled looking down at them. Still feeling guilty for scaring them, but kept his usual attitude.

Kaminari's smiled immediately, eyes gleaming like a young child's. Sero grinned putting his hand up in a high five forgetting the size difference.

Bakugo rolled his eyes as he lifted his other hand up. He extended his pointed finger towards Sero as they "high fived."

"Now let's go."

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