The Ode To Temptation Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

All had been well during her first year until the day of the memorial.

It had started off normal; She woke up early, scanning a book while she waited for Dominique to wake up, and then headed to breakfast with the then cranky girl.

"I hate mornings," Dominique had scowled, face scrunched up.

Her strawberry blonde hair, despite being straight, was frizzed around her head like a halo.

"My mum and dad will be coming," Elara had replied, a small grin adorning her face as they sat down at the Ravenclaw table.

Dominique sent a quirked brow from her seat beside her.

"Do you know what day it is, Potter?" a brisk voice asked.

Elara turned to find Alaris Peakes, a second-year Ravenclaw, sliding into the seat opposite of her. His expression was one of superiority as he looked at her with question.

"Of course I do," she flushed at the undermining comment.

"Are you daft?" Dominique questioned, face scrunching. "Everyone does."

The boy didn't back down.

"Then why are you so chipper?"

"Why shouldn't I be? It's the anniversary of my dad stopping Voldemort and now I'll get to spend the day with them when they get here."

She had been eight when her dad told her about Voldermort, and even his light description of the monster was enough to give her nightmares for the following week. Maybe that's why neither her parents nor other family members had gone deep into details of the events of their days at Hogwarts.

Of course, she knew Voldemort had attempted to come back during their first year and the basilisk in the second, but it was never in detail. On the other hand, their third year was practically a bedtime story to her by five, though she later realized they had left off details of her Grandma's ending, then once again the years after were only given in brief summaries.

"It's also the day when your parents quite literally dropped dead," the boy replied grimly, looking concerned for the girl's joy.

Elara's stomach dropped, eyes wide in total disbelief. That couldn't be true, she tried to process, her parents couldn't have actually died.

"Shut your trap," Dominique ordered with a burning face.

"She didn't know?" Alaris asked, a strange look coming over his face.

No one had much time to explain anything else - Elara's parents had entered the Great Hall and were heading her way. Elara checked her watch to find that they had arrived sooner than they were supposed to.

"Oh merlins," she whispered, and it was like learning of Voldemort all over again.

Her stomach was in complete knots as they approached, warm smiles on their face as they hugged the first year. Alaris had blushed as they greeted him, eyes wide with fear that she would snitch on him.

"Hi Aunt Y/n," Dominque exclaimed despite the horrible truth coming out.

The girl practically jumped out of her seat to give her a hug. It was common knowledge of how much the girl looked up to Elara's mum. The nearest thing to stars formed in her eyes as she raved to anyone about how "wicked" she was, and how she was "the best Quidditch player in Hogwarts history."

Of course, the last claim wasn't particularly true, even if Y/n Potter was extremely talented at Quidditch.

"Hullo Dominique," Y/n grinned. "I need to go give Victoire her birthday present."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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