Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

He laughed before whispering, "A bit but this will all make for an excellent dinner story one day don't you think?"

"Let's hope this doesn't end in some horrible tragedy." Diana chuckled.

"If you don't mind my boldness, I have read in Lady Whistledown that you are handling the Prince's sudden lack of interest, well and I want to know if you are truly alright." he asked, the laughter and teasing left his eyes. Diana saw immediately, the seriousness and concern.

"In truth?" Diana collected her thoughts, they had become less chaotic as time passed. "I am currently in a strange state. I find that some days it feels like if I stand perfectly still, I don't feel anything but if I sway in a direction because of some piece of gossip it can break me apart. Other days I can't find that stillness and I wish to remain broken apart preferably in my room alone."

Sir Steffan studied her his expression did not hold any pity but some sort of understanding. Diana also couldn't help but study him as well, there was something about him that she didn't mind telling her true feelings to. Perhaps that was the power of strangers, he was a kind void that offered no judgment or pity but an ear to voice her feelings.

"Well, I shall send luck your way. The Prince truly lost out on something remarkable." he said eying a piece of cake.

"You flatter me and it is not necessary." Diana glanced at her mother hoping their voices were low enough that she wasn't hearing the conversation.

"Not flattery but truth. I will admit when I first met you I had thought you would be some strange chit, who someone how managed to blackmail the Prince in this strange scheme." Sir Steffan said.

Diana blinked absorbing his words, "What did Sir Elliot tell you?" she asked trying to quell her irritation.

Sir Stefan leaned in lowering his voice even more "Well, Sir Elliot facilitated our meeting but it was Prince Friedrich that spoke to me personally."

It shouldn't have surprised her but Diana had thought after their last meeting he would have handed off the matter to Sir Elliot to manage on his own.

"So you know the Prince?" Diana asked, hating her voice was barely a whisper now.

Sir Steffan took a long drink of his tea the debate was evident, Diana wondered if she would get the whole truth out of him.

"Yes, we are friends, we had worked together on some skirmishes." he said.

"Oh!" Diana blinked tucking away that information. "It makes sense, of course, both of you with military backgrounds."

"I hope this doesn't change your thoughts of me or this arrangement." he whispered.

"Despite our situation Sir Steffan, please know that I will not hold that against you." Diana assured.

"Oh, I believe you won't, I am beginning to see you are not that kind of woman." he grinned.

"Bold of you to assume, I could be perfectly devious." Diana quipped earning a laugh from him.

"He did mention that you could be cheeky when you felt like it." he chuckled, Diana stiffened trying to maintain the smile on her face, he noticed immediately. "I apologize."

"No, no it is quite alright." Diana blinked trying to ease him with a smile.

"Let me make it up to you by asking me anything you wish." he said.

Diana glanced at her mother, who was doing her best to strain and hear what they were talking about.

"Tell me," Diana murmured, "Why are you going along with this ruse? Truly."

A Pact With The Prince | Bridgerton ~ Prince FriedrichWhere stories live. Discover now