1. New student

16 1 9

Being a teenager isn't exactly easy.
I think we all know that...
But for teenagers who have powers they don't really understand? It's even harder. There is no word to describe this feeling, The feeling of not knowing what is happening to yourselve.

Only two people in Midtown high school of Science and Technology have this kind of feeling and they try to deal with it as good as possible. One of them can deal with it better the other one needs a little more time to fully understand what is happening. If they only knew, that there is someone nearby who experiences the same thing as the other.

Peter Parker POV

Already two months ago since I helped Mr. Stark fight against Captain America in germany. They said they would call me and I'll wait for them.

I'm on the train right now, on my way to school. Has Happy already answered? I wonder what he's doing right now....
I get my phone out of my pocket and look at our chat.


Pretty big sacrifice
but I am completely committed


Hey Happy just checking in. I'm out of school at 2:45 Pm 👊
Ready for my next mission!
It's Peter BTW.

Nope, no answer. Oh, I have to get off.
I walk out of the train and make my way to school. I walk across the field where students were already training. I walk up the stairs, across the street and almost get run over by Flash Thompson with his car.

"what's up, Penis Parker?" Flash says and people start laughing. I stop for a few seconds.


I start walking again and stepp into the hallway of my school.

I look to the ground, trying to avoid the kids as I walk down the hall, and the drone that almost flew into my face.
I swing my backpack off of my shoulder as I reach my locker with the number 1184. I open it and put my stuff into it.

"join me, and together...we'll build my new LEGO Death Star." I hear Ned, my best friend, imitate Emperor Palpatine

Omg. No way!

I turn around to face him.

"What?!" I ask in disbelief

"so lame" a girl says next to us who was standing with a few other girls

"No way. That's awesome. How many pieces?" I ask

"Three thousand eight hundred and three." Ned answers proudly nodding his head a little as he does

"that's insane." I say, turn around and put my book into my locker

"I know. You want to build it tonight?" he asks me

"No, I can't tonight." I say as I shut my locker "I've got the Stark--"

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