random headcannons (spoilers)

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-It took a while but he eventually told you about Sarah and after that it became a random topic you go to when you're bored

"hey Joel... Tell me another story about Sarah" you asked sitting in an abandoned shop, "well alright..."

-silly little story times


-When she runs out of jokes to tell you she makes up fun facts

"Hey y/n wanna hear a fun fact?" Let's see if this one is more wild than the other seven "I would love to." She thinks for a moment "did you know that beetles poop through their mouth?"

-they're normally never true


-can never sit still. Ends up in some sort of pretzel shape

"Dina what are you doing?" She looks at you like it's the most obvious thing in the world "sitting?" She explains, "that is not sitting that is some sort of... Strange yoga pose"

-flexable (not pregnant ofc)


-did the biting lip face once and now never stops doing it

"Just killed a hoard of runners" he does the face "... What are you doing? You did an achievement not someone's mum."

-he does it everywhere, anywhere.


-uses her shoulder pain as an excuse for everything

"Hey Abby can you pass me that bag please?" You ask very politely "sorry, shoulder pain" she shrugs "... I just want the bag not a 150 kg hunk of metal"

-Never uses it in a dangerous situation though


-shakes peanuts in his hand before eating them.
No I will not elaborate.


-finds excuses for things she doesn't need excuses for

"Can you crack my back but from the front and more soft and not crack my back?" You look at her for a moment "sure I'll give you a hug"

-does it to everyone but you especially

Okay that's it bye 🤠
Tell me if I missed anyone

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