"Haley said you were keeping secrets. I told her she was overreacting," Finn said automatically.

"Honestly, this is a secret that I have to keep from... others not like me. There's a law," Katie said. Finn frowned in confusion.

"A law?" she asked.

Katie took another deep breath as she glanced over at Taylor, who was pacing. She wasn't sure what he was going to do, but she was at least going to come clean on her part. She looked back at Finn.

"I'm a witch," she said.

Finn's mouth dropped open a moment and then she started laughing.

"A witch? I'm supposed to believe that?" she asked. "Just... tell me the truth. Are you some sort of drug addict, or, or... do you have some sort of mental health issue?"

Katie frowned. This was ridiculous. Finn had literally just seen her apparate. How on earth could she think that Katie was the mad one here?

"No, I'm not mad. And I'm certainly not a drug addict. You just bloody saw me do magic," she replied sternly. She held up her wand. "This is my wand, which I use to do magic. The boarding school I told you about - it's actually a school for magic."

Finn just stared at her and then looked over at Taylor.

"Okay, I don't know what's going on here, but I suggest you tell me the truth. Now," Finn said, crossing her arms in front of her, still staunchly entrenched in the idea that magic couldn't possibly exist.

Katie groaned, then waved her wand, the broken glasses fixing themselves and flying up onto the table. Finn hopped back and then looked at the ground, seeing the wine had cleaned itself up as well.

"Like I said, I'm a witch. I do magic," Katie said. Finn looked back up at her, her expression unreadable.

"Okay..." she said after some time. "You do... magic..."

"It's real," Katie said emphatically. "There's an entire magical world that people without magic don't know about. We have a government and laws. And schools and... and... everything."

Finn studied her for a moment.

"So... do you really work for a football team?" she asked. Katie shook her head.

"I am a medic, well, we call them mediwizards. I work for a magical professional sport team - the Magpies. The sport's called quidditch, though I really don't want to get into explaining that right now. It's a bit complicated," Katie said, knowing that she was rambling slightly.

"Do... do your parents know?" Finn asked. "Are they the same?"

"Yes, they know. My dad is a wizard. My mum is muggle, er, non-magical," Katie said.

Finn nodded slowly. This was good. She seemed to be taking it in. Accepting it. And she didn't seem angry. But then Finn's eyes flicked over to Taylor.

"You knew about this," she said, pointing at him.

A hurt expression came over her face as she glanced at Katie. Taylor sighed and stopped pacing.

"Yes. Because I'm a wizard too," he replied.

Finn's mouth dropped open as she looked back and forth between the two.

"You mean... this whole time... you've been... and you've known..." she said.

"We couldn't tell you, Finn. Honestly, we shouldn't be telling you now," Taylor said, though a pained expression came over his face.

Finn stared at the ground as her mouth dropped open. It seemed she was putting all the pieces together. She looked back up at the two.

"Wait, so... Oliver... Alicia... Angelina... all of you?" she asked. Katie took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

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