"Some weird inside joke. Katie told me about it," Finn replied lightly.

Haley groaned slightly and rolled her eyes. She then sat up.

"Fine. Oliver. Why haven't you heard from him? Weren't you all supposed to hang out or something?" Haley said. "Has Katie not given him your number? It's been days since you ran into him."

Finn sighed and frowned slightly. That was one area that she was unsure about.

"I'm sure he's just busy. He did say that he had a lot of away matches coming up," Finn said, staring at her wine glass. She glanced up, seeing Haley's expression had softened. "Dear god, please no more pity."

"I'm not pitying you," Haley said, reaching for her glass. "Okay, so perhaps there's a reason for the weird shite... and maybe I'm just a bit jealous..."

Finn smiled softly and reached over, grabbing Haley's hand.

"Again, you know you're my best friend," she said.

"It's... sometimes I feel like... well you and Katie are always doing something together nowadays. And you see each other every day and all..." Haley admitted. "I don't want you to forget about me." Finn rolled her eyes.

"How could I possibly do that? They can probably hear you across the Channel," she said with a grin. Haley glared at her. "Seriously, Haley."

"I know," Haley said with a sigh.

"And just because I'm getting close with Katie and the others, doesn't mean I'm pushing you out or away," Finn continued. "I wuv you, Hawey."

Haley snorted and started laughing loudly.

"Please!" she said. After she had settled down, she looked at Finn with a hopeful expression on her face. "You know... even I have to admit, it's been really good for you. You've opened up a lot more lately... and though I'm still slightly suspicious... I think perhaps you might be right. Katie is a good roommate." Finn grinned at her. "I mean, Christ, not only have you been going out more and meeting people, you fucking stood up to your mum. If that's not progress, well..." She lifted her glass to her lips and took a drink. "I'm just wondering what it is that she's been saying to you, because god knows Taylor and I have been trying for years." Finn just shrugged.

"I think... I think it was more a case of we needed to help each other," she said thoughtfully.

"Perhaps that's it," Haley said after thinking about it. "Now... to find a way to get this Oliver bloke on the right track..."

Katie stretched slightly in her chair, wishing that she could be home in her own bed rather than out in Diagon Alley at a pub

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Katie stretched slightly in her chair, wishing that she could be home in her own bed rather than out in Diagon Alley at a pub. But she had told Finn that she would be at an away match, so couldn't go back until tomorrow to keep up the ruse. It was the third time that she had to crash at either Alicia's or Angelina and George's under the guise of being out of town.

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