Taylor started laughing loudly on the other end, causing Finn to frown.

"This isn't funny," she nearly shouted, earning more glares.

"I'm not laughing at you, Finn. I swear," he said. "Seriously. It's just... oh, Finn..."

"Really, what's going on?" Finn asked. "Have I gotten that clueless? Or is there something you know that I don't?"

"No, you haven't. I just... don't write him off completely," Taylor said. "Give him another chance. I get a feeling he might be... out of the game as well."

She tilted her head to the side a moment, thinking it over. The girls had said that he tended to only get into serious relationships. And it had been awhile since his last girlfriend - a breakup that he had taken rather hard. Maybe there was truth to what Taylor was saying.

"You're deflecting from Katie, though," Finn said, circling back around. She couldn't be distracted for too long.

"Finny, my love, please stay out of my love life," he said, though she could tell he was smiling as he spoke.

"Tay, my love, when have I ever done that?" she asked sweetly in return.

"She's lovely," Taylor said.

"And... you going to ask her out, or what?" Finn pushed. Taylor chuckled. "I know you want to..."

"I mean, you sure that's a good idea? She is your flatmate... What if it doesn't work out? Couldn't that make things awkward for you?" Taylor asked.

"While I appreciate the concern, I get the feeling that this is more you avoiding the situation," she said. "Which is, for some reason, dating terrifies you."

"I am not terrified of dating," Taylor scoffed.

"Terrified of relationships, then," Finn said.

"Seriously, Finn. You are a piece of work," he said.

"In the best of ways," she said, smiling. "And you know I'm right." He chuckled.

"Whatever you want to think. I honestly just called to wish you luck tonight. And all it takes is one text, I can be at the flat with that whiskey you like in 30 minutes. Already have it ready," he said.

Finn knew there was no point trying to get him to talk about Katie at this point. Not to mention she was going to be late if she didn't choose a dress or outfit soon and talking to him was distracting her.

"Thanks, Taylor," she said. "I'll let you know."

"You'll get through this," he continued. "Don't let her get under your skin."

"I'll try not to," she breathed, looking around the store. "Talk to you later."

She then hung up and slid her phone back into her purse. Looking around the store, Finn shook her head.

Who was she kidding? No matter what she wore, her mother was going to hate it. Spending an extra hundred pounds on an outfit that she wasn't going to wear again wasn't going to change that. Might as well go home and wear something she already owned and put the money towards something she actually liked.

 Might as well go home and wear something she already owned and put the money towards something she actually liked

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