"It's called I have a job, Mom," Finn said brusquely.

"Surely they can spare you for a week or two. Don't they give you vacation time over there in England? Though I really don't understand why you feel you have to work at that little magazine," her mother continued.

"It's one of the largest magazines in the country, Mom. And unlike some people, I actually enjoy having a job," Finn replied coolly. Her mother just laughed.

"Really, Fianna. You should come! There's this divine man that I've been wanting to introduce you to," Marguerite continued.

Finn rolled her eyes. If she wasn't criticizing her job, her mother was attempting to set her up with some stuck-up, prick trust fund guy that Finn couldn't stand within 30 seconds of meeting.

"Some of us haven't turned marriage into a living, Mother," Finn retorted.

"I don't understand why you have to be like this, Fianna," her mother stated, no longer amused.

"Maybe because you keep calling me Fianna," Finn said with faked cheerfulness.

"Well, I just called to tell you that I'm coming to visit since you can't seem to take the time off to come to me," her mother said. Finn stopped walking, her eyes going wide.

"What? Why?" Finn asked.

"Do I have to have a reason to come visit my daughter?" her mother asked. Finn was silent. Of course she had to have a reason. She always had a reason. "I expect that you'll make time for at least dinner."

"How long are you planning on staying this time?" Finn asked with a defeated sigh.

"Don't sound so thrilled," her mother said dryly. "Just a week. Planning to do some shopping and making sure that you're not working yourself to death."

"Fine," Finn replied curtly.

"So are you seeing someone?" her mother then asked.

"Are you really going to go there?" Finn asked.

"Heaven forbid you act like other women your age. And really, Ryan left you ages ago. It's time to move on. Did you hear that Marsha Lakes got married? Beautiful wedding," her mother continued on. "Though they really did overdo it on the flowers. Shouldn't have hay fever at a wedding..."

Finn began silently counting to herself, trying to keep her cool. She could only handle so much of her mother, which is why she moved to another country just to get away from her in the first place. At least this time she wasn't analyzing everything that Finn had supposedly gotten wrong in her relationship, hence pushing Ryan to take up with her former roommate. That was, of course, her mother's opinion on how things had happened.

"Sounds great, Mom. I need to go," Finn said, cutting her off as she was mid-sentence in ripping the bride's dress to shreds figuratively.


"Just email me the details of your trip and I'll work out when we can meet. Bye," Finn said just before hanging up.

She knew that if she didn't get off the phone then, she would be forced to listen to her mother go on and on for hours and that would only make her mood fouler. Outside of the snide comment here and there, she had never been able to really stand up to her. Her whole life she had just taken it.

And here she had been having a good day.

And here she had been having a good day

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