Of Whiskey & Bonding

Start from the beginning

He chuckled and shook his head slowly.

"I suppose so," he said with a sigh. "Shouldn't have raised you to be so damn determined and hardworking."

"Did a hell of a lot better at setting an example than Mom did," she said with a huff.

Kyle rolled his eyes at the mention of his ex-wife. The two had divorced when Finn was in middle school. Her mother had come from an old money family and she had never worked a day in her life, choosing to live off her family's money and then her husbands' money. After the divorce, Finn's mother had married twice more and was now set to be comfortable for the rest of her life thanks to the divorce settlements and her inheritance. That is if she could ever learn to rein in her spending.

"So tell me about this new flatmate of yours," her father said. Finn smiled.

"Her name is Katie Bell. She's some sort of trainer or medic or something with a professional sports team," she said. "Seems very down-to-earth and reliable. And, I get a good feeling about her." Her father raised his eyebrows again. "I know, I know. But seriously, before all... that... I did have good instincts. And I think it's coming back. I really think Katie and I are going to get along well."

"If you think so," Kyle said cautiously.

"Seriously, Dad," Finn said. He chuckled.

"Fine, I'm sorry. Continue," he said, motioning for her to keep talking.

"Anyway, we have a lot in common, I think. Same tastes in music and movies. And she went to some posh boarding school, but doesn't come off as stuck-up or anything," Finn continued. "She needed a place because she just got out of a relationship and had been living with her parents. Lived with him before that."

"Seems like you do have a lot in common," Kyle replied.

Finn paused in stabbing at her salad, shooting a look at him before continuing eating.

"Yea, unfortunately it's that," she said after she had chewed and swallowed. "But, she's really friendly. After she looked over the place we had a couple glasses of wine and just... talked about everything. I really think that we're going to get along."

Kyle studied his daughter as she continued on, talking about this new roommate. There was a bit of a twinkle in her green eyes. Her smile was closer to the old one she had before the break-up. Sure she had gotten better over the last year, but it had taken months for her to even venture out of the flat, choosing instead to cut herself off from everyone, her father included, for a rather long time.

But now she was happily chatting away in a fashion that was so reminiscent of before. This new roommate was a good thing - a fresh start of things.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" Finn asked suddenly. Kyle sat up, blinking slightly. "You've been staring at me."

"It's nothing, just... you seem much happier," he said.

Finn stared at him a moment before smiling.

"I feel better," she admitted.

"Then perhaps this Katie is a decent person and it'll work out," he said.

Finn thought a moment before nodding.

"Yea, it will..."


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