Left in my chemise, I wandered back over to the bed, where Finn was already tucked in, and crawled in next to him. He a sweet smile plastered on his face and I leant over and pecked him before snuggling up to him, my head resting softly on his chest. Finn wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me close to him.

That's when I felt it.

"If you think being naked is going to get you anywhere tonight you are so wrong." I stated as pushed my lower half away from him and looked up at him with a accusing face.

"A man can try" Finn chuckled as he leant down into the pillows, pulling me close to him.

"What's wrong with you tonight? Ye are like a dog on heat. Sex this, sex that..." I said, sitting up. Finn was a passionate man but something seemed off about him tonight, he was more...urgent, wanting. Like he had to have sex with me now.

"It's nothing lass." Finn tried to brush it away but I could tell by the distant look in his eye that it wasn't nothing. Something was wrong, on his mind, and that annoyed me.

"Tell me." I said to Finn, my tone demanding. I was sat up straight now, looking down on Finn as he stretched his arms behind the back of his head, relaxing.

"I said it was nothing lass, ye are a woman, yer mind is always looking for something to worry over. Don't worry-" Finn didn't get to finish before I slapped him hard across the face.

The sound echoed in the room and Finn looked up at me shocked. For a moment I feared he would hit me back but soon the fear diffused into anger.

"I don't want any of that sexist crap right now. I can worry about you and I will. Like how you worry about me. Just tell me what's wrong or I'll...I'll...cut you off. No sex. Nada. Nothing. I mean it."

Finn, still looking shocked at me, said, "you hit me."

"Did you listen to anything I just said? Yes I hit you. You were being sexist. We women don't always look for something to worry over you know." I said, crossing my arms.

Finn sat up bringing me closer to him, "ye are strong, confident and amazing. Ye can stand up to a strong warrior like me-"

"Don't let your head get too big." I interrupted.

Finn ignored me "-and defend yerself. Ye will make a wonderful mother." Finn kissed me on the lips lightly.


"And an answer to yer question, what was on my mind? I wanted to have sex with ye tonight because I won't have long to before it's too late."

"Too late? Are you talking about if I leave? If I find a way back home. Finn, if I find a way back home-"

"Nay. Not about that." Finn interrupted me.

"Then what?" I demanded, almost angrily at the confusion and slight fear that grew in a knot inside me.

"Ye are pregnant lass." Finn replied, looking at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "And soon it will be too dangerous to make love as I could risk hurting the baby."

"Hold up." I sat back further so I could look down at Finn properly, "One, I am not pregnant. And two, since when where you a walking, talking pregnancy test?" I said, looking down at him stunned.

"Walking, talking what?" Finn looked puzzled before finding composure and sitting up to hold my shoulder softly, "Ye are pregnant lass. Trust me, I know."

"Trust you? It's too early to even tell and I haven't had any symptoms." I said incredulously.

"Trust me," Finn said slowly as he leant back down, pulling me with him before pulling the covers over us, "my father predicted when my mother was pregnant with me. I know yer pregnant lass. And I'm happy ye are." Finn's hand moved across my stomach before pulling my hip and pulling me gently to him.

I gave him one more disbelieving look before closing my eyes and resting my head on his chest. I felt Finn relax beneath me and soon soft snores filled the air.

Could I be? I questioned myself. Pregnant? We had had sex. A lot. Could I really be holding his child? And what did this mean if I wanted to go home? Would I go or stay? All these questions that filled my head left me with no answers.

I ran my hand gently over my stomach, imagining feeling a child kicking there in a few months time. Did I want that? I was unsure at the moment. If I was pregnant, would I keep it? Would I love it like I loved its father?

Yes. Without hesitation.

A ghost of a smile haunted my lips as I felt sleep slowly take me, my hand resting upon my stomach, over a future that was possibly growing inside me.

(this may be my only update in about 6 weeks due to my exams! so sorry! please forgive me! updates will come 2 times a week afterwards to make up!)

Good luck handling the 6 weeks with this cliffhanger! SO SORRY! Please comment and vote and i will try to get a chapter up in about 3 weeks give or take a few days.

The Highlanderजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें