Falling into Death

Start from the beginning

Shortly after they moved to Las Vegas, she learned that her mother has a better job and much more money to buy a big apartment and enroll her daughter to get better education. Of course her mother's room was off limits for her now that she has her own room. But she didn't mind. She was a quiet kid who loved a trusted her mother deeply. After about three months, her mom was celebrating her 24th birthday when she announced that she was getting married and moving with her husband to be in San Francisco.

Then comes moving to San Fran; the ultimate challenge. She turned eight shortly and moved into a new school. There was where she met him, he was one of the brightest people she ever met. An optimist, an A-level student, an undeniably sociable person. Her younger self hated him and felt jealous of everything he has. Until they were lab partners because he volunteered to be the new kid's helper. She saw it as he was pitying her and gave him the fakest smiles and he tried to urge her to even talk to him. He kept on trying to tug a true smile on her lips, he was trying for far more than any other person in her life has. So, very vulnerably, she gave in to becoming more talkative to him and eventually became his friend.

He saw her going out of her nature for him and felt amazing about himself and they just hit it off. Spending days in the park together then spend his recess time with her. Then asking her to hang out after school. Sharing their interests, becoming readers together and getting to know one another. Her weird obsession with x-men novels to her collection of rocks; his collection of x-men action figures to his father's geology books. Which leads to another story of the story of learning her first curse word. She lived with a stripper for a mother, but she did not know that till she hit thirteen and to her mom's greatest efforts she didn't hear a curse word from her.

When she was ten and he was eleven, she finally grew the courage to invite him to her house. Friends did that right? Well she asked her mom who told her yeah they did that, and asked her why she asked that. She told her about her friend and encouraged her to invite him. When she did, he saw the stacks of comics and uttered: "Holy shit, we are officially soulmates." To this day, she remembers the day. Her mom wouldn't allow her to watch the movies since she was too young, so he convinced her mom and they watched the movies together and spent the whole night giggling and focusing on the movie as if they were moths watching flames.

They grew up years together, sharing moments and instead of spending most her life alone because of her mother's career, she had someone to share those lonely hours in. She got to know that he was a strong child who lost his mom to cancer and his dad was devastated and was an alcoholic who was learning to be sober. And that he had a load of scars on him from previous stages of abuse. He assured her that his dad changed and she knew that took him a lot of trust to share this information with her. She enjoyed his trust and later turned the favor to trusting him back.

Until everything changed of course.

She turned thirteen and her mother told her the truth about her husband who she was filing a divorce against. How she got absolutely drunk and confessed everything. The girl took in her mother's words as jokes until the pieces fell into place like a jigsaw puzzle. She turned to confront her the day later, her mother cried and begged her to not see her differently like some prostitute. And of course she didn't. who was she to judge? Her mother told her the divorce was a drunk truth along with the rest. It was too much to get in and that they were going to move to a smaller apartment.

She ran to his house and told him everything and how she felt and she just fell down to her knees and cried about how betrayed she felt. And how selfish it was to feel betrayed while she knows her mom did it for her sake. She just kept on ranting and ranting and ranting. But he didn't stop her he kept on listening and fell down on his knees to sit next to her and hold her in his arms. She had felt safe and in place there. Just feeling their chests rising and falling and her tears roll down her cheek. He kept his arms tightly around her waist and laid her head on his chest.

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