'Hey, I couldn't even move my body so shut up. Besides,' Issei goofily smiles as he continues, 'I wouldn't have mind dying if it meant hugging her boobs. A good way to die.'

The dragon groans as he places a hand over his face, 'You are hopeless. As the Emperor of Domination, you will find yourself with all kinds of females, riches, power, and the likes. So, stop being a perverted little shit obsessing about breasts when there is no reason to.'

'Oi. A girl's boobs are filled with a man's dream! The bigger they are, the bigger the dream! Nothing will change that! Nothing I say!'

'...What did I do to deserve this? It wasn't enough to be thrown to another world; I had to be partnered with a guy that has breasts as his only thought twenty-four-seven,' Ddraig laments as he looks up, 'Why couldn't he be obsessed over power, money, fame... I'm used to them...'

A tick mark appears on Issei's head as he glares at Ddraig before yelling, 'Would it kill you to say that when I'm not here?!'

'Shut it! Do you think it's easy knowing you are in a different universe with no way back, not knowing if I would disappear if you die, all these, just because some old jackass of a god decided he was bored?!' Ddraig roars out his grievance, making Issei grimace.

'Yeah?! How about me! I was just a normal guy before meeting Yuuma! I knew jack shit about supernatural, sacred gears, fallen angels, everything! You are the cause of this! You! Yuuma said so!'

'Shut up! I never chose to be a sacred gear or who's my partner!'

Issei doesn't say anything but glares at Ddraig, who also glares at him. This continues for a while until both of them sigh at the same time.

'...I don't want to be here, Ddraig.'

'Same... I would rather fight Albion over and over again than this...'

They don't say anything for a while, until the surrounding starts to shake.

'Looks like time's up... Don't die until you can summon the first form, alright?'

Issei grins a bit, 'I thought I already summoned it?'

Ddraig lightly scoffs, 'If you count ninety percent of it sealed.'

Issei slowly opens his eyes as he hears footsteps coming closer. He looks around to see Amiya and Ansel walking towards him, prompting him to squint his eyes until he can barely see.

"Ma'am, I highly advise not doing it until we are certain that-"

He hears Ansel abruptly stop talking while he feels his spine shiver as he hears Amiya speak, "Stop worrying about it, the Research Department has already guaranteed this new serum will work without any side effects."

"...Yes, Ma'am."

"Good, now wake him up." Issei feels something pinching his nose, making him curse in his mind as he tries to come up with a plan while opening his mouth a tiny bit to breathe.

'Ddraig, what should I do?!'

'...I can stop the liquid from spreading... But, not for long.'

'How about moving it to somewhere I can easily get rid of it?'

'That depends on where they will stab you.'

'Shit. Would my shoulder be enough?'


"What is taking so long? Wake him up," Amiya coldly says.

"...Yes." Ansel stops pinching, though he starts to slap him on his cheek.

'...Here goes nothing.' Issei fully opens his eyes, startling Ansel and making him stop his slapping, though Amiya just blankly looks at him while holding a syringe.

"Good morning, Hissei," Amiya cheerfully says, though it doesn't reach her eyes, "You are healthy enough to be discharged from here; just need one last injection and you are good to go."

"...Can I decline?" Issei hopefully asks as he clasps his hand together, "I don't need a shot right?"

Amiya lightly smiles as she hands the syringe over to Ansel, "Sorry, but it's just regulation here. You will be working here after all."

"Wait, I never said I was going to work here!" Issei cries out as he tries to get up, though Ansel holds him down, "Holy shit you are stronger than you look!"

"Please don't resist, Hissei, Rhodes Island needs more workers, and you will fit right in." Amiya smiles at him just as Ansel hovers the needle at Issei's neck.


Welp, might as well place that this fic is AU.

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