Chapter 3 eye contact

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Once I got back to the bar I couldn't stop thinking about what that long-haired boy said about me I was still blushing about it because that Chifuyu boy didn't disagree with him which surprised me anyways I went back to doing my work but I would always find myself looking over to Chifuyu's table for no reason at all and even at times we would make eye contact which made me flustered.
God he is smiling at me what do I do so I automatically smile back to him.

Chifuyu's POV

Once she got back to the bar ever so slightly I'd look over to her for no reason hoping she doesn't catch me which she hasn't yet thankfully I looked over to her again and she was looking back at me I was flustered God she's so beautiful damn I smiled goofily and she giggled lightly and smiled back at me I went back to talking to the group while writing my phone number on a piece of paper while smiling.

Baji's POV

Since she went over to the bar Chifuyu was looking at her every minute and she was doing the same I was waiting for them to finely to catch each other and they did Chifuyu was smiling goofily and she giggled lightly and smiles at him. Mikey said something and Chifuyu turned back to us and wrote on a piece of paper his number I smirked knowing they might end up together.

Hey guys that's chapter 3 done and I'll see all you dude in the next chapter buh bye. CleonaXD

hey there love... Chifuyu Matsuno x femreaderWhere stories live. Discover now