Chapter 3: Ruining a Life

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(Quick note anyone who might have encountered this book and decided to read my little diary here, I will be writing this part in first person to make things easier... for me at least anyway. Switch things up a bit you know? Oh dear, just looking back I've seen that I still haven't told you about this so-called great danger that I'm in. Well you'll just have to wait and see won't you?)

"Y/n!" Great. Locked up in a tower with Dream constantly bothering me again, I couldn't wait for another mission so that I could come up with an excuse to visit Tommy.

"Coming!" I shouted, and ran down the stairs.

Dream then told me all about how I needed to steal/trick Ranboo into giving us the TNT, "Finally, a mission so that I can visit Tommy!" I thought to myself.

Grabbing my jacket, I ran down the tower and got onto my horse. There was no time to waste! Excitement bubbling through me, I mounted the horse and took its reins. Here we go again.


177 words, this chapter was just co help clarify some things though. I genuinely hope you can make any sense out of this haha

"Eclipse" ~A Tommyinnit X Reader~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora