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Delgado and Chloe were still In each other's arms waiting for Chloe to finally speak and tell Delgado why she couldn't leave him but she couldn't.


"Chloe you-"

"I'm sorry Delgado I need space!"

Chloe jumped out Delgados grip and scattered a long distance away from him.

"I'm sorry Delgado I just-"

"Mi amor it is fine I will book a new room for you just tell me when your okay again you know I like being around you"Delgado spoke while slowing starting to get of the bed and pack his stuff.

"Yes Delgado..."

A couple days had passed Chloe and Delgado were in different rooms with a lot of thinking Chloe decided she was okay again and would allow Delgado in her space once again so she texted him what room he was staying in and made her way there.

Chloe knocked on the door and heard a low deep voice give her permission to come in.

Delgado was standing on the balcony slowly inhaling a cigarette bare chest with just grey sweatpants on. 

'Oh my god Delgados looks so good he is bare chested he looks so hot right now no no no stop Chloe stop just talk to him don't get distracted don't get distracted'

"Princess are you okay?"Delgado said while turning around to look at Chloe in the eyes.

"Delgado... umm yes I'm okay I just wanted to say umm"

Chloe couldn't concentrate she had never seen Delgado look like this she never thought of him in this way ever and now she couldn't stop.

"Mi amor are you okay?!" Delgado said rushing to Chloe's side putting his soft comforting hands on her shoulders.

"Yes Delgado i just wanted say I'm sorry for umm kicking you out the room you can umm definitely come back in!"Chloe exclaimed!

"Oh well that's great I'm glad your feeling better darling" Delgado spoke while bringing Chloe in for a hug.

Chloe didn't brace herself for this his grip was still strong but yet so comforting and she loved it she needed more of it.

"Oh delgado"She whispered returning back the hug.

"Chloe can you-ugh it"Delgado gritted his teeth  and let Chloe go.

"Delgado I'll tell you why I didn't want to leave you that day if you want"

"Yes Chloe please I need to know!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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