Levi Ackerman; Coffee & Deep Conversations.

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A/N: Loosely based on a conversation I had with the Levi Chatbot on messenger!!

"Can I hold your hand, Levi?."

"Sure...but don't get too close." He muttered.

You nodded, and took the extended hand that he offered. Your fingers intertwined, and he sucked in a breath.

"Your hand is cold."

"Oh...I can let go-," You started to speak, but he shook his head.

"No, no. It's fine." He gripped your hand tighter, the warmth of his pale skin heating yours. You had to admit you hadn't realized how chilly it was til you felt his heat.

You should've brought a scarf.

The coffee shop wasn't too far away. It was a quaint little store right by the city center, called "Coffee Time". You had never been there before, but Levi had; although he didn't have much of a good opinion on it.

"The coffees expensive and it tastes like dirt," He said earlier when you had proposed the idea of getting coffee together. "But it's still better than the coffee we have here"

The little bell on the door dinged as Levi held the door open for you. You grinned at him and nodded, as if saying 'Thank you'. You walked through the door and your nostrils were immediately hit with the smell of rich coffee grounds.

Not too many customers were inside, only a few tables in the establishment were occupied. Behind the counter stood an older lady with graying hair tied into a bun and thick framed glasses. She smiled as a greeting when you both approached the counter.

"What can I get you today?." She said with a cheery voice.

"Straight black coffee." The jet-black haired man who stood next to you requested.

"Coffee with milk and three sugar cubes, please!."

"I'll get that started right away. Please, feel free to take a seat!." The lady said.

You chose a table next to the main window of the coffee-shop, being able to look out and see the city center from there. The streets were pretty busy today, so it was a bit sad seeing this shop so empty compared to other places. Maybe Levi was right, maybe the coffee really was just that bad.

He sat across from you, but didn't look at you, his dull-grey eyes elsewhere. He looked deep in thought. He didn't seem to be paying much attention. You drummed your fingertips against the table, not knowing what to say to fill the silence.

Levi Ackerman was a quiet man anyway, but you had learned to tell when something was truly bothering him. He had different types of quiets. You bit down on your lip.

"What are you thinking about, Levi?." You asked him.

"Oh, nothing," He shook his head. "It's silly, really-." Levi slipped back into his former silence momentarily. "You know...there's a rumor going around, people are saying The Walls are going to fall." He continued.

"Oh...," You said softly. "Do you think they're going to?."

"Do I think The Walls are going to fall?...No, I just think it's silly. Everyone's talking about it, whispering about it. It seems like people really believe it. They're scared," He rested his chin on his palm, elbow resting on the table. "The Walls have stood for thousands of years, and they'll stand for thousands more."

"But...what if they do fall?."

He seemed tight-lipped, not knowing what to say. The gears in his brain turned. You liked doing this often, asking questions to challenge him, which he found annoying; although he'd never admit he truly did find it entertaining. It pushed him to think about things and consider things he normally never would.
Now he'd have to think about what would happen if The Walls truly did fall, and he didn't like the thought.

The lady came with two mugs of coffee while the tension was still sharp, although she didn't seem to notice it much.

"One black coffee and one coffee with milk and three sugars," She sat the respective mugs on whichever side of the table they belonged. "Please enjoy."

She scurried off. Levi picked his mug up off the table and took a sip of his coffee, and you picked yours up to blow it. He held the mug still in his hand and, he had seemingly prepared his answer, as he opened his mouth to speak again.

"Well, if The Wall's do fall, we'll have to fight the Titans off...and rebuild them. And we will."

"Levi...," You looked into his eyes. "What if we can't fight all the Titans off? What if we can't rebuild The Walls?."

A slight smirk played it's way onto his face.
"Of course we can. We're the Survey Corps, after all."

You smiled, and nodded at him, agreeing.
"You're right about that. We've been training for this nearly our entire lives..." Your voice trailed off.

"Are you scared, (Y/n)?."

"Scared? No, no I'm not scared. Are you?." You took of a sip of your coffee, the sweetness of the sugar melting into your taste buds.


"I just think...it is a possibility, you know? And we should be prepared for it, instead of completely denying its existence. Although they've been up for years, it could happen one day..."

"No matter what happens, we'll be fine. The Survey Corps is filled with some of the strongest, smartest people I know. Including you. We can do anything we set our minds to." He gulped down more of his brew.

"I'm shocked at your optimism, Levi." You grinned, teasing him. He rolled his eyes.

"Oi, would you rather I tell you something else, then?."

"No, no. It's quite inspiring really." You snickered, and sat your now-finished cup of coffee down on the table.

"Inspiring...tch." He scoffed. "You're impressed way too easily, (L/n)." It didn't take long for Levi to finish his mug either, and then he fished out money for the coffees from his pocket, and a tip.

"Ah...we should get going now, we have work to do."

Even though it didn't last as long as you liked, you thoroughly enjoyed your little date with Levi Ackerman. You grinned at him.

"Yes, Captain."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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