I'm Not Dreaming

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Breathe in, breathe out. This is real, keep in mind that this is all real...

Okay...I got this.

I opened my eyes, repressing a yawn as I looked around. I was in bed, my bed, yes, my bed. This was my room, yes, my room...and this was real.

I kept repeating this. I had to. Because just for a split second, I'd forget where I was. I would forget and walk outside, having another stroke at the Avengers Tower in view.

I backed into my apartment quickly, slowing down my breathing as I glanced at my clock.                7:01

I slowly nodded, remembering that in the movie, Midtown High starts at around 8 if I remembered correctly. Though I wasn't sure so I rushed myself as I looked around, my desk being part of a vanity. It was quite pretty, again, freaking me out at how I would definitely buy something like it for myself.

I ran my fingers across the items on it, picking up a brush and attacking the knots on top of my head. I got excited at a display of makeup. Nothing fancy, but still very nice. 

I then walked over to my closet, and couldn't help but let out an excited laugh as I scanned rows and rows of clothing that I'd yearned for so long, the never-ending line of shoes seeming unreal.

With it being so cold outside, I picked out simple jeans and a flannel jacket, a bright red. Taking out a grey hoodie, I layered my tops.

I picked up a pair of black ankle-high boots, taking a silk ribbon that matched the flannel jacket, my hair now up in a ponytail of sorts.

I put on the tiniest bit of lip gloss and simply curled my lashes, wanting time to properly explore all of the makeup later. 

Other than everything else being freaky as hell, I sure did love my room and everything in it.

I grabbed what I assumed was my school bag, peering in it to see textbooks, keys, a mini bag of essentials, and a wallet.

"Oh, this couldn't get better." I zipped open the wallet to see rows of twenties and hundreds, cards all neat in their little slots.

"How did I get so much money..." I wondered if I had a job, but, out of everything I had searched, I hadn't seen anything that would point to one.

I swung on my bag and walked out into the eery cold living room, it still feeling empty. I desperately wanted to know why -- well out of all of this madness -- I lived alone?

Now out in the cold, I locked the door behind me and started walking, asking a nearby woman holding her baby where I could find the subway. It was still a pretty long walk to the subway, but once I got there, I read a few maps to finally find the train I was supposed to hop on.

It was all so exciting. Sure, I was making sure I stayed on my toes for anything out of the blue to happen, but, it was all just so cool!

All the seats were taken up, me noting I'd probably have to leave earlier next time. I quickly grabbed a bar as the train began to move, looking around at all the unfamiliar faces.

Then, a very familiar face caught my eye, innocently hanging onto a bar not too far from me.

Peter Parker.

I had to bite my tongue not to gasp. He was wearing his signature blue flannel, his headphones in as his foot tapped to the music, oblivious of my stare -- for a little bit at least.

His senses must've kicked in, him looking up, making eye contact with me.

He seemed to remember me, his eyes rounding ever so slightly. But he couldn't say anything, of course, so he simply gave me an awkward wave.

I waved back, a bit more frantic. I took a step forward, trying to think of an excuse to talk to him. I quickly noticed one of his folders with his school's crest (Or logo I'm not even sure) hung out for me to see.

"So, you go to Midtown, huh?" My hand was numb from the cold bar I clung to, Peter took out his headphones with a nod. "Yeah, do you?" He gestured to my schoolbag.

"Today's my first day," I said with a small smile, him smiling back as he shuffled his way to me, now right in front of me holding the same bar.

"I'd be happy to show you around," He offered shyly.

A wave of relief washed over me, letting out a sigh as I nodded gratefully. "If it's not too out of your way, that'd be great."

"Really -- really? I mean, of course! Yeah, yeah. I can introduce you to everyone. It'll be great." He rambled, me smiling at his energy. I pinched myself, a beautiful reminder that I was awake, and I was actually talking to the  Peter Parker.

When we got off the subway, we walked together to the school, me gawking at its wonderfulness. Peter seemed pretty proud of my reaction, taking pride in his school.

"Hey, Ned! Over here!" Peter called over Ned, Ned making his way over with a goofy boyish smile as he held something in his hand. Something having to do with Legos no doubt.

"I never got your name," Peter whispered, stopping his attempt at an introduction as he waited for my answer.

"(Y/n) (L/n)." I held out my hands, them both shaking them. "Ned Leeds." "Peter Parker."

It took everything in me to not say 'I know.'

I looked around for another face, a girl too cool for school I was really looking forward to meeting as well. "Is there a girl that goes by MJ -- I mean Michelle here?"

They looked dumbfounded. "Not that we know of. No one by that name in any of our classes. Why?"

Peter looked at me curiously as my mouth dropped. There was no MJ? Why was there no MJ? Did -- did me being here have something to do with that? Holy shit! Did I somehow change the plot of the movies...!

The bell rang and Ned and Peter were genuinely surprised that I somehow had almost all the same classes as them, and they were not the only ones. I walked with them, still unsure of everything.

And as if things couldn't get wilder, I somehow knew everything that was going on in all of my classes. My notes in my pretty notebooks looked like they had been printed, surely not my handwriting. But, when I, myself, wrote something, it looked exactly like that. Like a font.

It was scary.

The day went by fast, my anxiety on max throughout all of it as I tried to act normal even though everything made me want to gasp every five minutes.

Now walking out, the front of the school filled with students all heading home as well, Peter stopped me.

"(Y/n)!" He ran up to me with ease, me knowing exactly what an athletic body he had under that humble flannel...Ew, ew, no, no. I needed to stop that.

"Ned and I are going to grab a bite to eat at this great sandwich place and wondered if you wanted to come?" The infamous sandwich, why by the gods I felt so blessed.

"Of course!" He seemed shocked by my answer but quickly smiled, excited.

"Great! I think you'll like it a lot." Peter's words left me to look around the school, New York, and towards him and Ned.

Yeah...I think I'm going to like it a lot too...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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