Chapter three ~ Piggy back ride

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I woke up and was immediantly happy. I gotta get ready to see sweet cheeks. I get out of bed and go outside the trailer to see granny, pops and Dakota eating breakfeast. "Morning" I say, my voice still sleepy. "Good morning Essy" they reply. I sit down and start digging in, granny made pancakes, fucking delicious. I eat up, clean the dishes, brush my teeth and go back into the trailer to look for an outfit.

I chose some black sweatpants, a white crop top and my white converse. Once I put on my clothes I pull my hair into a half bun, so it's half open. I take my skateboard say goodbye and skate towards the Solace's trailor.

When I arrive, they are still eating breakfeast. I greet them and take a seat next to Flora. "Are you alright?" I ask, kinda worried, she looks tired as hell. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine, just didn't sleep that well" she replies. "We can stay in today, if yo-"  her voice interrupts me "No no, I'm fine, see wide awake" she looks at me with a big grin. "Fine, but as soon as you feel tired, we'll go back, got it?" she salutes with a "Yes Madame" I laugh at her goofiness.

Once she is done with eating she goes to change and to brush her teeth. She comes back out, wearing a white crop top as well, along with a black skirt and her black vans which have little sunflowers printed on them. "I wanted to match" she admits. I smile, feeling kinda content that she wants to match with me. "Okay sweet cheeks, get your skateboard and let's got" I say to her.

She again links her pinkie with mine and we start walking down the path until we arrive at a street where we can skate. We place the boards infront of us and start to skate along the road. Thankfully no car ever crosses this road. We skate for a bit, enjoying the nice landscape. Suddenly Flora comes to stop and says "Rayyy, I am hungry and down there is a bakery, can we go there please?" of course I agree and we hop off the boards and walk through the forest, it's kinda creepy here though it's still day. I take Flora's pinkie just to make sure she won't get lost.

We arrive at the bakery "What do you want to eat?" she asks me, knowing that I hate ordering food "I'll take the blueberry muffin" I reply to her, she nods and goes to the front "Hi I'd like to have one blueberry and one chocolate muffin please" she tells the bakery boy. The boy smiles and says "That will be 3 $ and your number" I roll my eyes at his very lame flirting skills. But being the friendly person Flora is she answers "No I'll just pay, here you go, have a nice day" she takes the bag with the muffins and leaves, taking my pinkie and dragging me along with her.

"That was a nice rejection sweet cheeks" I tell her proudly, she used to get really embarresed when someone starting flirting with her , flushing red and turning into a stuttering mess. "And thanks for the muffin".

Walking back through the forest while eating our muffins , Flora wants to take a break, so we look for a bench to rest a bit. Once we find a bench I lay myself down on it. "Ey, what about me Ray" Flora complains. I just shrug at her, she starts to mumble something before placing herself in between my legs with her back pressed up against my chest. "Well I am comfy now, thanks for being a pillow" Flora tells me. She lays her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes. My left hand finds it way into her soft hair. I start giving her a head scrup while she's drifting off to sleep.

We laid like that for a little while. I noticed that the sun is slowly setting so I try to wake her up "Sweet cheeks, come on we gotta go, it's getting dark" in respons to that I just get a "no".

"Okay let's make a deal, you wake up for a second to get on my back and I'll give you a piggy back ride, how does that sound?" she gives me a nod and slowly open her eyes. I sit up and she positions herself on my back, I stand up, gripping her thighs not wanting to let her fall.

There's just one problem. How will I carry the skateboards? After a bit I put both the boards unter my left arm, so that they are trapped between my arm and Flora's thigh.

It somehow works, but it is really fucking exhausting. I just hear Flora mumbling while pressing her face into the side of my neck. I just smile feeling really happy because of her.

After we arrive at her trailer and I knock on the door. "Hey Mrs. S just wanted to drop Flora off" I wisper to her mom. "Oh yeah of course come in" she tells me. I leave the skateboards outside the trailer and lay Flora into her bed, giving her forehead a slight kiss while saying good night. Telling Mrs. S good bye, I take my board and go to my own trailer.

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