And It All Goes to Hell

Start from the beginning

"I don't care. Pack your things and I want you out in half an hour!" White shouted after the door opened. Draco glanced out of Blaise's office, watching as he stormed out.

"Fuck," he muttered under his breath as he stepped out and looked towards Liv's office. She pressed her hand to her forehead, her eyes closed as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Not caring who saw, Draco ran across the room and into her office.

"Liv," he said softly.

She opened her eyes and looked at him, shaking her head.

"Not now, Draco," she said dully.

"But... what happened?" he asked. Rather than answer him, she picked up her wand and waved it, conjuring up several boxes. She then waved it again, and various items flew around the room and into them.

"I said not now," she said, this time a bit harshly. She looked over at him, her eyes still blazing. "Get out. We'll talk later."

He wanted to stay. To shout that he wasn't leaving until she told him what was wrong. To pull her into his arms and tell her that whatever it was, she would be okay. That he would help her get through this. That they could fix it together.

But then he remembered that no one could know about them. He had likely already stirred up rumours by running in here as he did.

"Fine," he said, turning and walking out. He glanced at Blaise, nodding towards his office. Without a word, the two of them walked in.

"What is going on?" Blaise asked.

"I don't know. She wouldn't say," Draco said, starting to pace.

Was this about him? But if it was, then why hadn't White reprimanded him as well? He knew that the director of HR had seen him. And surely it wasn't enough to warrant an immediate sacking.

"Is this because..." Draco looked up as Blaise's voice trailed off. Draco scowled. "I swear, I didn't say a word. Though, I mean, it was obvious to me - you two both taking the day off. But no one else seemed to notice."

"I don't know," Draco admitted, starting to pace again.

He shouldn't have taken the day off. Fuck, did everyone know?

"D'you hear?" a voice said. Both looked over, seeing a dumpy wizard in Draco's doorway, a grin on his fat face. He looked back towards Liv's office and then shuffled into the office. It was the git, Fox. A card-carrying member of the rather small "We Hate the Boss" club. "The witch's been sacked!" he said, sounding almost gleeful.

Draco clenched his fists, fighting off the desire to sock him. Blaise shot him a worried look.

"What do you mean?" Draco asked, his voice strained.

"Knew she was no good," Fox continued. "Just knew it. Bet she slept her way to the top."

"Out with it, Fox," Draco growled. Fox jumped slightly, his beady eyes widening.

"Word is, she got her hands on some illegal substance. For research, but who really knows. Knew it was strange that she took yesterday off so suddenly," he said. Draco's stomach sank again. Night Heather. She had been trying to get it for him.

This was his fault.

"And there're rumours that she was... getting around with someone in the department," Fox continued, practically giggling. "Figures she'd be a slag."

"What?" Draco asked, now seething. Fox really did need to get out of his office before he did something he'd regret. Fox chuckled.

"Well, they've got proof, from what I hear. Don't understand it. She's fit. Was with that famous quidditch player. Surely, she was getting enough with him," Fox said, not noticing Draco's demeanor.

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