"God... that feels so good..." she breathed, unable to help herself as her mind ran away from her.

It was then that Liv realized it wasn't in her head. It was actually happening. Her eyes flew open and she tensed slightly. But his hands kept moving. His lips were pressed against her skin. And God, she did not want him to stop.

"I told you... we shouldn't do this... God..." she whispered. He then kissed the sensitive spot behind her ear and she gasped, her eyes fluttering closed again. "God, you really do know just what to do to drive me crazy, Draco..."

The hands stopped moving as did his lips. She could feel his body tense against hers. Right. She needed to stop this. Anyone could walk in and find them. And then they would both be in trouble.

"I beg your pardon," a voice that was not Draco's said. Liv's stomach fell as the hands gripped her waist tightly. "Draco?"

She whipped around, her eyes widening as she saw Oliver standing there, a mixture of pain and anger on his face. Oh, fuck. Why had she assumed that Draco would be the one here and not the man she was actually dating? Oliver began backing away from her.

"Seriously, Liv!" he shouted. "I thought you said there was nothing going on!"

"There is nothing going on! I swear. I'm sorry... I don't know what that was," she replied. He kept backing away, now turning to face the door. No, he couldn't go. She needed to explain. "Can't we talk about this?"

But even as the words left her lips, she knew there was no amount of explaining she could do to fix this. She had told him there was nothing going on with Draco, and she hadn't been lying. Not completely, anyway. There wasn't anything going on with her and Draco physically. No, it was all in her head. But part of her knew that saying that wouldn't make it any better.

Oliver stopped and ran his fingers through his hair. He then turned back to her. Liv nearly started sobbing at the look in his eyes. God, she never wanted to hurt him.

"We've already talked about it! Just... figure out what the hell it is you want and let me know, will you?" he shouted. He then turned and stalked out of her office.

Liv wanted to go after him. To stop him and beg him to listen. She could explain. But she couldn't.

So instead she turned and braced herself against her desk again as hot tears fell down her cheeks. She had really fucked this up. And in the process ruined something that could be great with a great guy.

"Who are you kidding?" she whispered to herself. She knew something was missing. Something she now realized she wouldn't find with Oliver. She had just been using him to try and distract herself from Draco. Thinking that if she forced herself to try and love Oliver, she might get over whatever it was she was feeling for Draco.

There were more footsteps. For a moment, Liv thought maybe Oliver had come back. But when she opened her eyes and looked over, she saw Draco standing there, his expression a mixture of concern and surprise.

"Sorry... I forgot you were waiting on me. Just... give me a minute," she said, turning to walk around her desk and opening a drawer. She needed to clean her face and then they could go. The only solace she had was that he had hopefully not witnessed any of that.

Though she wasn't sure just how she was going to get through working with him right now.

"I heard everything," Draco blurted out. Liv froze before her eyes flicked up to him. Fuck, this just got worse, if that were even possible. "I mean... I wasn't eavesdropping. I just came to see if you were finished and then I saw you with Wood. Turned to leave and such, then... You said my name." No, no, no. "Why did you say my name?"

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