She was part muggle and he was a former Death Eater. There was no way she would fully trust him now.

He turned, glancing at his door and wondering if he should go back in right now and explain everything - that he had changed and no longer wished to live life like that. That he was a completely different person.

But more and more people were now pouring into the office.

The last thing he wanted to do was to make a scene, especially one that could potentially have everyone questioning their relationship. Not that they had one, but still. If anyone so much as suspected they were involved, they might both be out of a job. Merlin, why did this have to be so complicated?

Draco turned back to look around his office and then down at his briefcase where he had the notes from this weekend. He figured the best thing to do at this point was to get to work and wait for his opportunity to explain.

 He figured the best thing to do at this point was to get to work and wait for his opportunity to explain

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"Draco," Blaise said cheerfully as he stepped into Draco's office that afternoon.

"Not now," Draco drawled, his focus on his notes as he worked at his desk. He had been trying to work out a rather complicated formula for the last hour and felt he was getting rather close. He didn't need Blaise distracting him right now.

It had taken him all morning just to get to the point where he could focus on work and not continue thinking about what he was going to do about Olivia.

"What's gotten into you?" Blaise asked. "It's like something's come over the office. Boss has been locked up in her office all day. You're avoiding everyone, which granted, you do most days. But you're also avoiding me, which I take personal offense to. Bones keeps coming out of her office to check on something, Merlin knows what, scurries back in as soon as someone looks at her. Then Harolds blew up his office - never does that..."

Draco sat up and looked over at Blaise, unsure about where he was going with all this. So everyone in the office was having an off day. Not his fault.

"Your point?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"My point is, are you and the boss still on the outs from Friday or did something else happen this weekend?" Blaise asked.

Draco glared at him, but when Blaise obviously wasn't about to leave until he got an answer, he sighed, waving his wand and shutting his office door. He wasn't about to let anyone else over hear this conversation.

"Something did happen this weekend," he admitted. Blaise's eyes lit up.

"I knew it. This was all new levels of awkwardness. She won't even look at you without her cheeks going flush," he said, moving to sit on a stool.

"I, what?" Draco asked. He hadn't caught that. What the bloody hell had happened after he left on Saturday? Blaise chuckled.

"Start from the beginning. After the fight on Friday," he said. Draco sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

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