Draco looked down, going through her notes as she started walking him through everything she had done over the last two years. Eventually he walked over and sat down, watching her intently as she mapped out her formulas on a chalkboard, taking the time to explain the muggle bits of science that he didn't understand.

It was, in a word, massive. A huge undertaking. And if they managed to figure it out, it would be a breakthrough not only in the magical world but in the muggle world as well. Scientists had been studying this disease for years, but were no closer to a cure or proper treatment. But all on her own, Olivia managed to make several advancements that even they hadn't. Was close to an experimental treatment, even.

Not to mention, if they managed to unlock just what it would take to repair the mind, they could use that to engineer something that could even protect it from not only the disease, but others. And from magical means to damage the mind.

Olivia De Loughrey was far more brilliant than he had originally thought. He now understood why she had gotten the position over him. This wasn't even on his radar. And, if it were even possible, he found himself even more attracted to her. But that was definitely not something to be thinking about right now.

Draco silently took it in for several minutes after she finished talking, noticing that the sun was now lower in the sky.

"This is..."

"Impossible, I know. But I can't give up now," Olivia said vehemently.

"I wasn't going to say that," Draco said, looking up at her. "It's... mad, yes. But if we could do this... create potions that have applications in both the muggle world and the magical, it would be... revolutionary." He stood and walked over to the chalkboard, taking in her formulas and calculations. "Advance both worlds in one go. By... decades."

He looked over at her, seeing hope beginning to fill her eyes.

"So, you'll help me?" she asked. A slow grin spread across his face.

"You think I would pass on what could potentially be the biggest breakthrough in potions in our lifetime? Obviously not," he replied. "I do have a reputation to uphold."

Olivia nodded, looking back to the chalkboard, her face lit up in a happy grin.

"Good, okay... where do we start?" she asked. He looked back at the board and then pointed at a formula that was only half done.

"This... I think if we can figure this out, then we might be able to work out some of the other problems," he said, concentrating on it. He then stepped back, putting the papers down as he slid off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. "Just how are you getting all these ingredients?"

"Greenhouse in the basement," she said. "And I grow some things in the backyard. I can show you, if you want."

"Later," he said, eager to get to work on the formula.

"And I definitely think you're right about the Night Heather. I've been looking up everything I can find on it. But we need to get our hands on some to research it more," she added.

"Agreed, but later," he said, still staring at the board.

He stood and stared at it a long time, as Olivia walked over to one of the bookshelves and pulled off a few books, walking them over to the desk and starting to leaf through them.

"I keep thinking I've seen something similar, but I can't seem to remember what or where," she said.

Draco hummed, but didn't stop looking at the formula. He then stepped up and started writing. For the next couple of hours, they pondered over the problem, occasionally bouncing ideas off each other. Some they dismissed rather quickly. Others they wrote down to consider later.

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