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I woke up around 7am, still early for a weekend but I have always been an early riser. But for the first time, I woke up in someone's arms. I stirred slowly, looking at the person on whose chest I was sleeping. It was Kit!

I just shifted abit so I can see him properly. He was just knocked out, I chuckled abit at the sleeping face. But just then, his chuckles of the previous night and all that he had done for me came to memory. My face blushed abit at how lovingly he had looked after me. I know he said Beam would look after me the same way. To a certain extent yes, but I don think Beam would hold me like this. I am sure Forth will not allow him to!

But on a more serious note, I couldn't help but be touched by how much Kit was caring about me. I really didn't expect anyone, not even Wayo. Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't so taken by Wayo anymore as I realised he really didn't care much for me. And that made me realise that perhaps my efforts are not meant for him.

I rather spend it on my friends who look after me especially Kit. But having Kit in such proximity made my heart accelerate. Was it just the physical proximity? Or what?

But I knew it felt right and I didn't have any intention of shying away from it. I just nestled a little closer to Kit who just continued holding onto me in his sleep. I continued looking at him for a bit till I just dozed off.

I woke up around 11am, only to find the bed empty. I sat up slowly and looked around only to find Kit in the kitchen. He had showered and was wearing my clothes again. I chuckled at how big my sweater looked on him. He heard me and looked up and yelled at me to go shower! I laughed and quickly scurried off before Kitty Kat decided to throw something at me!

I came out all clean and refreshed to find him setting the table. I smiled seeing Morning Mama breakfast on the table. It was really our favourite, but it also meant Kit must have woken up early to go get it as it usually sells out by 9am. I felt touched knowing he must have gone out to get it and return back and get everything ready. I went over and instinctively I hugged him from the back. He just smiled and continued to lay the table whilst I held onto him like a koala.

Just then the door bell rang. I looked up at Kit questioningly wondering who it could be since Beam was away. Kit went to open the door and was just silent like a rock for a bit. I looked at him curiously until the person stepped in. It was Wayo!

Wayo stepped in all cheery and holding some breakfast.
"P! I bought breakfast for you. How are you feeling now? Did you take your medicine? I wanted to surprise you! Are you happy to see me?"

I only looked at Kit as Wayo spoke. I saw that Kit was abit stupefied but quickly rearranged his face. He looked at Wayo and went "Good to see you Wayo! Now that you are here, you can eat with Pha. I had bought some food for him too. Do have it with him ok! I see you guys around later. Bye Pha!"

He left before I could even react! But Wayo was just oblivious to the energy. He waiied Kit cheerfully and closed the door after him. I was just stunned. There was no way Kit just did that. I looked at Wayo who came over and nudged me. He made me sit at the table, pushed the food Kit had prepped and laid his, infront of me. That did it. I stood up abruptly, startling Wayo in the process.

"Sorry Wayo, but you have to go. Kit had been here the whole night looking after me and there is no way I am doing breakfast without him. I think you should go. I will see you on Monday when I'm free.".

Wayo stared at me at shock but I opened the door for him. He was shocked but did what I asked since he could see I was dead serious. I closed the door on him, packed the still warm food Kit had gotten in a thermos and left for his dorm. Thankfully he didn't stay far. I knocked on his door a few times before he opened.

I saw Kit and his face looked a little red and flushed. It was like as if he had been crying but had hurriedly wiped it off. He was surprised to see me but he stepped back to allow me in. I wordlessly stepped in, prepped breakfast for us and went over to him who was in the kitchen  trying to grab some cups. I went over to him and just took his hand away from the cutlery. I turned him around and cradled his face.

"Don do that again. You aren't some secret or 2nd fiddle to anyone. Do you get it?" I was pissed but tried to rein in my anger. Kit just shook his head quietly in affirmation at me. I leaned over and just kissed his forehead. He looked up stunned. Don ask me why I did that. It just seemed right. I am sure Beam would do the same thing too right??

I watched Kit walk away, shy and red faced. That's when it hit me, what the fuck. Beam would never kiss Kit on the head and neither would he do it on me.

What the fuck was I doing?!?!?

From Me to You (PhaKit) (BOYXBOY)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now