"That's actually why I've come by," Draco said, reaching for his tea. "I'm curious. What do you know about the De Loughreys?" Narcissa raised her eyebrows at him, smiling slightly.

"They're one of the oldest pureblood families in New York," she said. "Old money as well. Though I know Oliver De Loughrey does well for himself. Owns an import and export business, I believe... They've got three children, though the eldest is a bit media shy. The younger two are always out and about at various events. And I know Lucinda certainly gets around the charity circuit..."

Draco didn't say anything, allowing his mother to continue prattling on about various little facts just about anyone with a newspaper would know or find out about the De Loughreys. It wasn't anything that he found particularly useful. Or interesting.

"Ah, yes but I remember there was a bit of a scandal about the eldest..." Narcissa said. Draco sat up in his chair. A scandal could be useful. "Yes... she didn't come to live with them until she was 10 or 11, I believe. The product of a love affair between Oliver and his school sweetheart before he married Lucinda."

"Is that so?" Draco asked, finding the information curious. Though it would explain the edge in De Loughrey's voice in her office her first day.

"Yes, I'm afraid I don't know what happened to her poor mother. But suddenly, there was another De Loughrey child. Loralai Flint knows Lucinda - I believe they're cousins or something - and she said that Lucinda threw a fit. Didn't know a thing about it, though apparently neither did Oliver until then," Narcissa said. "And then next thing you know, he shows up with this little girl, saying that she's his. Lucinda fought him on it, but there was no denying that she was his daughter."

"That's... interesting," he said, thinking it over.

"In some ways, one could find it fortunate. Suddenly taken in by a rich and influential family. Though... sometimes I wonder if it was," Narcissa said. Draco frowned, not understanding.

"Why do you say that?" he asked. Narcissa put down her cup and looked over at him.

"Well, she had spent her whole life growing up one way up to that point. Thinking life was this. Then suddenly, you're taken from everything you know and told that life is completely different," she said rationally. "I'm sure it is quite a lot for a young child to take in."

"I suppose I could see that," Draco replied.

Though he wasn't sure how any of this helped in his endeavor to get rid of De Loughrey, it was something to file away and think about. If anything, it might help him to understand her a bit more.

"Now tell me, how is your new potion coming along..."

Draco thought over what his mother had told him as he went into the office

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Draco thought over what his mother had told him as he went into the office. He hadn't intended to work that day - being Saturday and all - but he needed to clear his mind and usually work did just that.

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