"Okay, thank you." I went to walk away but I stopped and turned around when I felt her hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

I thought about it for a minute, I really wasn't, and they all knew that. "No, I'm not but I'll get over it. Heartbreaks don't last forever."

She gave me a kind smile and let me leave. I hopped in my 4-runner and decided that today, right this moment, I am going to forget about he who shall not be named and enjoy my life. I turned on my most upbeat playlist and screamed along to it as I drove. After twenty-ish minutes I got to the hardware store to get Tony's lab supplies. I don't know why I agreed to this now that I'm looking at the list.

What the hell is a Sheet Metal Screw?

Now here I am, wandering around like a lost kid looking for their dad, trying to find all these different screws.

"Screw this." I mumbled before pausing, I laughed quietly for a second before trying to look once more.

"Excuse me, Ma'am? Do you need any help?" I looked over and I saw a young man standing next to me. I recognize him from somewhere, but I can't remember where .

I chuckled nervously before nodding, "sorry, this is kinda embarrassing." I held the list out to him, "I don't know what any of this means or where to find them."

He laughed once and took the paper, "it's alright, I can take you to all of them if you'd like, it'd be a good break for me."

"That's alright, I don't want to take you away from your job."

"And miss an opportunity to walk with such a beautiful girl as yourself, I'd rather get fired." He smirked at me, I laughed and nodded.

"Okay, you've won me over." I motioned for him to lead the way. We made friendly conversation the whole time, he would occasionally stop and point someone in the way of an object, but he would continue walking with me after. He helped me blow through the list, we were reaching the last couple items, most of them being wires now.

"Okay, do you know what size wire you need?" He turned to me with a friendly smile.

I froze, my eyes widened before I squinted them, trying to think back if they said anything. "No." I remember Pepper telling me it's okay if I get something wrong, so to not get it wrong, "just get them all?" I suggested, he laughed again and started pulling the wires off the shelves and wall.

"Okay, I'm sorry but this has been bugging me. Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked, I know I've seen him somewhere, but where?

"I'm not sure, you look familiar, but I think I would recognize such beauty." This sly dude, he thinks he's slick. He somewhat is, I may be won over. I smiled and looked to the ground, I hoped I was quick enough, so he didn't see the blush that quickly spread over my face. "See now that's adorable." He said.

He laughed again, he clearly likes to laugh, he looks like a happy person.

When I didn't say anything he spoke, "well that should be all. Come on." I felt his elbow nudge me and we started walking. After I was rung up he helped me carry all the bags to my car. I quickly got into the driver door and pulled out a notepad and a pencil, it was one of those small ones that came together.

"I think this service deserves a tip." I smiled and held him a piece of paper.

"(646) 999-8212"

He gave me a smile, held it up before pushing it in a pocket. "Thank you. For all your help, I'd probably be calling my boss and asking for help if it wasn't for you." I laughed, technically it's not a lie, Tony is in charge of the Avengers...and I am one...so he's kinda my boss.

Esmeray // Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now