7. Haven't Met You Yet 2.2

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Harry's POV

I sit down on the bed, and I open Y/N's notebook up. It happens to start around the same time mine did.

Y/N, 2011

This shit is draining. I love Logan, so much. But he has started to become such a pain. He's been staying out for long periods of time or sometimes not at all. But I stick around. Hoping someday he will change. The year is almost over. I overheard Logan talking to Josh about a new year's party. I think I'm going to persuade him to take me. He won't take me anywhere though. He tells me I'm being over dramatic when I try to ask why, so I don't bring it up. I'm exhausted.


Y/N, 2012

It's officially 2012. After continuing to press him, Logan let me come to the party with him. We met so many people, I made some new friends it was so much fun. I met Lilly, Laura, and a nice guy named Harry. Him and Logan hit it off well so I think he will become part of the group. Best part is that Harry doesn't mind including me. Which sometimes upsets Logan, because I think he doesn't really like hanging out with me, but lately he has been. I hope this means change in our relationship!


Y/N, 2012

Well, it was fun while it lasted. It's currently April and Logan cheated on me a couple days ago. This sucks so badly. I called Harry as soon as I found out and he came and got me. I haven't left his side since. He makes me laugh. He tells me I help distract him of his female problems and he thinks I'm a good person. Harry is such a sweet guy; I don't know why there isn't a girl out there that wants to treat him right. He is such a good person. I wish Logan could've been like that.


Y/N, 2012

Harry left for tour today. I was such a mess. I gave him the tightest hug and told him not to be gone for too long. I think I'm starting to fall for Harry. Which is terrible because we are such good friends, and he deserves the world. So, I don't think I will tell him. At least not until tour is over. He promised to call me every night after his shows to make sure I'm okay. He is so sweet to me. I would give the world to be with him, but I don't think that will ever happen.


Y/N, 2013

Harry came home from tour today. I sat on his doorstep and waited for him to come home with so much anticipation. When he pulled up to the house, I felt my heart drop. I hugged him so tightly in case it would be the last time. I asked him if we could talk. I confessed that I had fallen for him. He told me he felt the same. I'm not sure if we are dating now or what is going on. But I'm so happy.


Y/N, 2015

It's been a while. Harry and I have been dating for 2 years. He is on tour currently; I've just been cleaning around the house. We got a place together before he left on tour. I miss him like hell, and I can't wait for him to get back. He still calls me on the occasion, he's been very busy. This is the last year he will be on tour with the boys, so it's very hardcore and meaningful to him. But it also takes a lot out of him, so he usually goes to sleep right after. But I'm so damn proud of him and I love watching videos of him succeeding.


Y/N, 2016

Tour has been over for a while. Harry is back home, but he is visiting Anne and Gemma right now. I decided to stay home and clean. I love Anne and Gem, but I just don't feel like socializing right now. I'm a little drained. The boys have been over every night since tour ended a month ago and I just need some time to myself. I don't mind them coming over, but it's been a lot of testosterone. But the band is officially on hiatus. The boy's kind of don't know what to do with themselves so they just come over and fuck around. It's nice having everyone home though. I love seeing Harry's face in person every day. It is wonderful.


Y/N, 2017

Harry has officially dropped his first solo album. God, I couldn't be prouder of him. He is my everything and more and the album is so beautiful.


Y/N, 2018

Today is mine and Harry's 5-year anniversary. Tonight, he asked me to marry him. I said yes. I'm getting married. I'm going to be Mrs. Y/F/N Styles. I can't believe this. This is everything I've ever wanted and more. I love Harry.


Y/N, 2019

Today is the wedding. I have cold feet. I keep considering that I don't have to go through with this. What if Harry doesn't go through with this? What if I walk out there and he isn't standing at the alter? What if I fuck my vows up or someone objects? What if somehow Logan shows up and screws this up for me and my life is ruined all over again. Anne came in to tell me Harry is nervous too. She said I'll be alright. I keep telling myself I'll be okay. I'm so excited for the honeymoon, though. We are going to Cancun! Oh god it's starting. Wish me luck!



The wedding was so fucking amazing. Cancun was so fucking amazing. Harry is so fucking amazing. He makes me feel so alive. No one has ever made me feel as loved as he does. We dance around in the kitchen; we laugh about stupid things. He makes me feel like I'm so loved. I love Harry so much.


Y/N, 2021

Harry and I have been married for 2 years now. I'm still so in love with him. He is so good to me and even when he goes on tour, he still checks in and makes sure I'm okay. I'm still so proud of everything he is doing. I love him. With everything I've got and more. I hope he is happy with me and loves the hell out of me like I do him.


I smile at her words. Y/N means everything to me. I set the book on the bed and get up to go to the kitchen. I snake my arms around Y/N and kiss her neck.

"I love you so much, Y/N." I tell her. She turns to face me and smiles at me before kissing me.

"I love you too, H. Dinner is done." She tells me and grabs our plates and puts them on the table. We eat our food and I tell her about tour. After dinner is done and we clean up, I put a record on, grab her hand, and twirl her around. We dance in the kitchen for hours. I am so glad I married this woman. She makes my life complete. 

Harry Styles Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें