1- shifting

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I faded back into consciousness as I woke up. Even with my eyes still closed I could tell it was bright in my room and slowly opened my eyes, squinting a bit. I scrunched my face even more when I saw the view in front of me. I bolted upright and looked out at the city. Only it wasn't my city, nothing like it actually. I'm from a small town in Michigan and I was staring out at the tall buildings of New York.

"Good Morning Star." A familiar voice rang in. Friday. Realization came over me as I looked around the room.

It worked.

It actually worked.

I had been trying to shift for months but I honestly had been about to give up hope. I found myself jumping with excitement and quickly rushed to the door. My hand froze as I held onto the door handle. I stopped myself before opening it. Maybe I should see if my powers worked first. I held my hand out and with a little bit of focus a yellow light started to emit from my palm. I smiled like a child. I grabbed the door handle again and walked out into the hall. I examined the building as I walked to the kitchen and living area. I stopped in my tracks as I saw none other than Steve Rogers standing in the kitchen. I felt my heart beat rise a bit. I mean not only is he captain america here but he's also Chris evans in my universe. I continued walking causing him to turn to me.

"Oh, morning Star." He gave me a small smile.

"Morning." I sat at the counter. "Um where are the others?" I asked trying not to let my nerves show.

"I think Nat is in the gym but I don't know about the others. Some are probably still asleep." He chuckled a bit. I nodded and continued looking around. "You okay?" I looked back at him and he seemed concerned. I laughed a little and nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine I just had a weird dream last night." I lied.

"Oh anything interesting?" I grinned slightly but shook my head.

"No I cant remember any details really." I got up. "I'm gonna go get ready for training." He gave me a nod. I went back to my room and quietly squealed to myself. I just talked to captain America. I continued smiling like a fool and grabbed some clothes.

I went down to the gym and saw Nat using a punching bag. Am I really about to train with the assassin herself. I felt more excited then nervous since I've scripted that I'm pretty well trained already. In my script I wrote that I was tested on by hydra with the twins but I was given a variation of the super soldier serum, they were trying to boost my natural powers. I was found by the team on their mission to get the scepter. I helped fight in the battle in Sokovia, and saved Pietro from what would've been his death.

"Late start for you today." Nat chimed in as she stopped throwing punches. I continued walking over to her.

"Hey I'm still here before the other ninety percent of the team." I defended myself.

"You're lucky they're all slow to wake up." She grinned. I felt a rush of wind blow past me.

"What's this about calling us slow?" Pietro teasingly raised an eyebrow and looked between us.

"You've got super speed and I still beat you here." I joked and he rolled his eyes.

"Sorry not all of us enjoy being the teachers pet." He smirked down at me. "I know you're probably worried about who to kiss up to since Starks out of town but I think I could fill his shoes for a bit." He stepped closer to me.

"I don't kiss up to anyone. I'm just that good at everything I do." I put my head up and he grinned, shaking his head a bit.

"Yes, you are very good at idolizing him." He brushed past me and went back over to Wanda who gave me a small smile. He's right, I did look up to Stark, in both universes. Cant blame him for still having doubts about Stark though, he doesn't know as much as I do yet.

"Okay team listen up." Steve spoke loudly as he entered the gym along with some of the others. "We're gonna go light today and just do a few rounds of sparing in pairs and then finish off with some laps around the base." He looked around as we all gave nods of understanding. "Great pair up." I went over to the twins.

"Oh you miss me already." Pietro smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not over here for you, I was wondering if Wanda would like to spar with me." I looked over at her and she nodded.

"Yeah I'd love to." We went over to one of the mats. Her hands started to emit a red glow and mine glowed with yellow. She quickly blasted a red beam at me but I blocked it by blasting it. We went back and forth with shooting and dodging each other. Wanda can still read my mind, it's just sort of filtered in a way. Anything that could give away that I've shifted here she can't see. She only sees what I want her to see. Me and her have been super close considering we were both tested on by the same people. I focused back on the fighting and found a pattern she was doing with her shots. After a second I blasted at a weak spot and she flew back a bit off the Matt but caught herself in the air with her powers.

"Good job Star." Steve rang in. She landed and walked back over to me. Although I'm physically stronger than her her powers are a bit stronger than mine are so beating her in a fight using them is rare for me.

"You're getting stronger." She grinned. We went back to sparring a few more times before Steve called for our attention and told us to start heading out for our laps. "I don't know what's awakened in you but seriously it's like you've gotten ten times stronger over night." Wanda explained as we walked out. I laughed a bit to myself.

"I'm sure I could still take her." Pietro devilishly smirked as he caught up with us.

"Really? Whos the one that saved your life not too long ago?" I teased, scrunching my nose.

"Oh please sokovia? I would've been fine." He scoffed. I shook my head a bit. We made it outside and started jogging around the complex. Pietro zoomed off but was back just as fast. "Come on slow pokes pick up the pace." He lapped around us once again. "I could run circles around you."

"No shit Sherlock that's literally your power." Wanda laughed at us. I felt a whirlwind start to go around me as Pietro started to literally run in circles around me. "Okay okay we get it cut it out." I complained as the wind started to get annoying. He continued to run around me. I huffed and blasted a ring of energy around me causing him to go flying back into the grass.

"Hey cut it out you two and focus on your laps." Cap scolded us. Pietro stood up and groaned.

"That was so uncalled for." He whined. Wanda continued laughing after seeing he was okay.

"I told you to stop." I shrugged.

We finished our laps a little while ago and now I'm back in my room. We're having a team dinner and movie night and I couldn't be more excited. This is seriously even better then I could've imagined it to be. It's all just so real, I mean I even have memories of all of us. I plan on staying here for a little while before I shift back to my reality. I made it so that to shift back I have to say a specific word multiple times before I go to bed. I finished fixing my hair and went to head back out to my new family.

Hi guys I'm sure a majority of you are probably here from my Tiktok, it did a lot better then I expected it so I just wanted to get the first chapter out for you guys to save it, I know it's a bit boring but things will start to get going in the next couple chapters.
I'd like to put out there that I am a college student and finals are coming up in a bit, and I also have a job so for right now I'll try to update as much as I can but obvi once summer starts is when I will be updating frequently.
Also I'm writing this purely base off of the small random idea I had at like 9pm last night so please don't take any of the stuff based on shifting seriously, I personally have never even shifted myself ive just seen and heard about it a lot so that's why I got the idea but if you're thinking about shifting please make sure to fully research it yourself.
Anyways I hope yall enjoy this story and I cant wait to keep writing it! :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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