Forbidden Size

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Cuddles made it to the beach and then immediately went into the water. It was nice and cool as she decided to lie down in the water and let it soak her. She did enjoy this and so did the other Pokémon around her. "This feels so nice. I could be here for hours." Cuddles said. That was when an Oshawott came up to her. "Hi there Cuddles." Oshawott said. "Hi Oshawott. How are you?" Cuddles said back. "I am doing good. It's nice to see you here." Cuddles said. "You too!" Oshawott replied. Oshawott jumped onto Cuddles's belly and bounced on it like a trampoline. Cuddles loved when small Pokémon jumped on it. "This feels great." Cuddles said. Oshawott than hugged her belly. She used her arms to hug back as she was a sweet Snorlax. "I love making friends. Big and small." Cuddles said. A few more small Pokémon came including a Pikachu, Piplup, Plusle, Minun, Vulpix and Eevee. They all went up on Cuddles's tummy and bounced on it. Cuddles was in paradise. "I love you all." She said. Sometime later, Cuddles got up from the water and walked up to Dragonite. "It's beautiful isn't it?" Cuddles said. "Yes!" Dragonite replied. "I think I am going to go for a stroll. You take care friend." Cuddles said to Dragonite as they hugged each other. Cuddles went for a walk in the woods. They were as beautiful as ever. The Pokémon made music as their voices echoed. Even the Snorlax enjoyed this. That was when Cuddles saw something. It was a huge berry bush. And when I say huge, I mean huge. It had so many berries on it. Cuddles could not resist. She went up to the berry bush and started chowing down on them. That was when she saw something peculiar. It was a berry but is was nothing like the others. It was glowing and purple. "What kind of berry is that?" She asked herself. She walked closer to it. It had a really strong but wonderful smell. It blew her mind. "Wow this looks delicious." Cuddles said. She could not resist. Cuddles decided to eat the berry and then her belly was finally full again. "That was yummy, am I right Belly?" She said. Her belly made happy gurgling sounds once more. But that was when she started to feel funny. "Woah what is happening?" She said. At that moment, she felt herself growing larger in size. She grew bigger and bigger and bigger until eventually it stopped. Cuddles was now a Giant! She was absolutely huge. Almost as big as a massive mansion. "I am huge! This can't be. How? And why?" Cuddles said in shock and disbelief. That was when she let out a huge yawn. She was tired. "I'll figure this out the next time I wake up." She said to herself before falling over and going to sleep causing an earthquake. Her snoring was really loud. Cuddles was now a giant Snorlax.

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