~Chapter 11~

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The place was silent, and then everyone bursts out clapping and screaming my name. I smiled uncontrollably, and Cole started to laugh. " You're really good. Never thought I'd be beaten by a girl!"

" Thanks," I said, walking away from all the praise.

" Kaylie!" Jake yelled from the trailer, and I pushed my bike over to him, " That was amazing!"

" It wasn't too hard," I murmured, giving him a hug.

My mom came towards me, and hugged me tightly. " I'm proud of you! Not just for winning, but actually showing all those boys that girls can ride."

I smiled again, and my mom let go of me. She looked over my shoulder, and smiled. " Well, who's this?"

I turned around, and saw Kolby standing in front of me with the biggest grin on his face. I walked towards him, and he embraced me in a big hug. " Good job!" He murmured into my hair.

I smiled up at him, and then remembered my mom didn't know about me and him dating. I turned back around. " Um, Mom this is Kolby. My-"

" Boyfriend," Kolby finished, outstretching his arm but keeping his left one around me.

My mom shook his hand, and looked us up and down. " Gosh, you guys are cute!"

I blushed, and looked down at my feet as Jake and Kolby shook hands as well. " Treat her good," Jake said.

" I will," Kolby replied, pulling me tighter.

My mom and Jake took my bike and started to load it on the back of the truck. I turned to face Kolby, and he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. I kisse him back, and pulled away, burying my face in his sweater. " I better go get ready to leave," I said.

" Me too. Text you later, ok?

I looked up and smiled. " Ok."

Kolby hugged me one last time, and we go our separate ways. I walked over to the trailer, making sure I had everything I needed. I picked Diesel up, and closed the door. I walked to the truck, threw my helmet in, and hopped into the back seat. Diesel snuggled onto my leg as I shut the door, and soon, Jake and my mom got into the truck as well.

I stroked Diesel softly until he fell asleep. I closed my eyes, and drifted into a deep sleep, feeling satisfied with the outcome of the day.


I opene my eyes again to see I was at my great grandmother's house. I pushed Diesel off my leg carefully, trying not to wake him, and opened the truck door. As I was closing it, Jake and my mom came out of the barn. " Thanks, for everything," I said as they approached me.

" No problem!" My mom replied, " I'm glad I met Kolby. He seems like a really nice guy."

" He's lucky he wasn't mad that you won or I would've punched him out," Jake mumbled.

" Jake!" My mom yelled, a look of disgust on her face.

Me and Jake burst out laughing as we made our way to the house. I opened the door and was greeted by my great grandmother. " You win?"

" Yeah."

She pulled me into a hug. " Congratulations! Was Kolby there?"

" Yeah, I won against him."

" Was he upset?"

I shook my head. " No."

" He's definitely a keeper. Anyways, me and Jake should go," My mom said.

" I will drop Diesel off tomorrow," Jake murmured.

" Ok, bye guys," I said, smiling.

I took my boots off, and go into the bathroom to find a pair of sweatpants and my purple crop top on the shelf by the shower. I turned my music on, and placed my phone on top of the clothes. " I definitely deserve a long shower," I said to myself, turning the water on.


I wrapped a towel in my hair and grabbed my phone off the shelf. I shoved it in my pants pocket, and left the bathroom. I walked out into the kitchen and saw my great grandmother sitting at the table reading the newspaper. " What do you want for supper?" I asked.

" Hm. I don't know. We could go out for supper if you would like?" She responded, looking over the top of the paper at me.

" I want to. Where could we go?"

" Chinese food?"

I smiled. " Yeah, ok."

I headed into the living room, and turned on the TV. " I'm leaving at 5!" My great grandmother yelled from the kitchen.

I flipped through the channel's until I found a show called Mantracker. I read through the description. A man who tracks people in the wild on his horse? Sounds good. I select the show, and watched it for an hour.

" Are you ready to go whenever?" My great grandmother aaked and pushed my chair.

" Yeah."

" Ok, I want to go now so we can get a table and our food quickly."

I nodded as she walked up the stairs behind me. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out to see a text from Kolby.

Kolby: Hey, I'm going to come over tomorrow. I can stay the night if you want.

Me: Ok! I will ask my great grandmother tonight if you can stay. I'm sure she will let you, she absolutely loves us.

Kolby: Haha, what? She actually likes me?

Me: Who wouldn't?

Kolby: You're cute. You know that?

I smiled at the last line, and me and Kolby continue texting until my great grandmother came down the stairs. " Um, I have a question."

" Sure. What is it?"

" Can Kolby stay the night tomorrow?"

I wait for a reply, my blood boiling, and my great grandmother smiled. " Ok. I trust him enough."

" Thank you!" I almost screamed and I jumped off the chair to give her a massive hug. This day has been the best in a long time.

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