꧁Don't Blame the Dog: Chapter 5꧂

Start from the beginning

They continued on their journey, Lily cringing slightly when she caught Sirius mouthing "very intense" to James and Sirius from behind the quartet's back, slowly enunciating every letter separately.

"This is the Great Hall," Y/n announced as they reached the entrance. "Defiantly not home to my better days."

Sirius gave a bark of laughter, which led to Harry and Y/n almost immediately turning to each other to exchange odd looks.

Lily's stomach dropped, and she almost felt faint when Sirius thought it was the obvious bright idea to pull off an "I meant...haha" in a raised voice.

"Merlins," Remus puffed out, pulling off an embarrassed expression.

He turned to Harry, Y/n, Ron, and Hermione.

"I apologize, he doesn't know how to act around new people."

"It's the same with this one," Y/n said in a sad voice, ruffling Harry's hair as she took a seat next to him.

She had decided, after finding out how isolated the group had been from society, to try and break the ice of any awkwardness.

"As if you can blame me," Harry replied, nudging the girl with his elbow. 

Shortly after they began to dig into their food. Heaps of chicken, peas, and Shepard pies filled the table in an aroma-filled array. While they enjoyed their food, pleasant conversations filled the table, the quartet mainly asking about where the group had come from. Lily had been quick to answer, lies falling smoothly from her lips. 

"Yes, we don't get any commercial owl service out there," she had said at one point. 

Harry had taken a noticeable breath of air, and the rest of them seemed to sag with relief. 

The marauders as a whole wanted to jump with joy at how well they were pulling off their act until a nasally voice interrupted. 

"Find new people you can taint, Potter?"

James whipped around, heart pounding once he realized the fool he was making of himself. Of course, the pale blonde boy behind him wasn't speaking to him, but rather Harry.

"Shove off, Malfoy," Harry replied as if it was a natural instinct.

The boy - Malfoy's eyes moved over to where Y/n sat beside him, but her back stayed turned to him.

The other Potter boy's heart skipped. He didn't know if it was the malicious glint in the pale boy's eye or the determination that shimmered around Y/n that made him feel as if something was bound to happen.

"It seems as if L/n's put an enchantment on them," the boy said in a low undertone.

James watched in shock as Y/n blatantly ignored him.

"I wonder why you do it..." Malfoy pushed, arms crossed over his chest. "Do you have to force people like you to make up for your lack of family?"

"Malfoy, you better get out of here before I shove your foot up your ar-"

"Ron!" Hermione hissed, tugging at his sleeve in an urgent manner.

Jame's own blood was boiling as the blonde laughed out a menacing sound, pointed face in utter glee as he walked away.

Ron went on, muttering angry curses under his breath as he chomped on a chicken leg. But Lily's brows scrunched, confused at the utter lack of reaction from the girl across from her.

"Why-?" Sirius started, seeming at a loss for words. "How - why'd you let him get away with saying something like that?"

"Umbridge," Y/n mumbled in a scarily even tone, eyes darting to the pink lady that had walked into McGonagall's office earlier.

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