"you sure about that?" She said. "what happens if I did say that I had sex before," I said. "I wouldn't care, honestly... is this your way of telling me that you've really had sex"

"yeah I guess so" I blushed. "how was it," She asked. "Hailee!" I yell and she giggled. "what I'm just asking," She said. "fine... it was good... can we just stop talking about this," I said. "yeah"

"soo are you talking to anyone like you know," I asked. "Nope, there's no guy that's good for me," She tells me. "Yeah, I hate men," I said and she tilted her head. "I think I know that"

"I think you are looking at the wrong people," I said and smiled softly. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked and scrunched her eyebrows. "If you can't find the right guy you may want to look more into women"

"You mean date women?" She asked. "Yeah," I said. "You wouldn't mind?" She said and I raised my eyebrow. "Really? Haliee I don't care if you date a female or male unless I don't like them"

"Who would you like?" She asked. "Ella" I simply said. "She's dating someone else isn't she?" She asked. "No, have you not heard," I asked. "Heard what?"

"look on Instagram" Hailee takes out her phone and looks through Instagram and she sees it. "Am I seeing this correctly?" She looked at me and then back at her phone. "mhm" I let out. "Why didn't she tell me that she's a lesbian?"

"don't ask me ask her... hold on do you like her?" I asked. "no," She said and put her phone down. "you know you can tell me plus you helped me date Addison," I said. "okay, maybe a little," She said and blushed. "a little?"

"yeah, no I can't lie to you about that one," She said. "tell her that you like her," I said. "I can't do that"

"I did that to Addison and look at us now," I said. "having sex?" She asked. "be quiet," I tell her and blushed. "just saying"

"Okay whatever, just drop some hints that you like her," I tell her. "fine"

Hailee's pov:

"Plus when's the last time you've dated someone?" She asked with her mouth full of food. "let's just say a long time"

"and why haven't you dated in a long time?" She asked. "because people are creeps" I started playing with my food with my fork. "and is Ella a creep?" She said. "no"

"Better tell her soon that you like her or she's going to find someone else" I snap my head to face her. "if she finds someone else and gets her heart broken you're most likely going to be there for her... think about it"

"how do you know this stuff?" I asked. "I honestly have no clue, but tell her soon I'll help you with some stuff," she says. "like what?" I asked. "date's duh," She said and I looked at her annoyed. "dummy," I said. "rude"


Ella and I are hanging out at my house we were watching a movie and y/n and Addison come in from the front door. "look it's the lovebirds" Ella said and I giggled. "hi, what are you guys doing"

"watching a movie isn't it obvious, but what are you guys doing," I asked. "um we were actually going somewhere tonight, just needed to get stuff," Y/n said. "alright, don't do anything illegal though," I told them. "we won't"


Y/n's pov:

Addison and I get to the place that we were going. It was nice and quiet. "can you sing?" Addi asked me and I look at her. "why?"

"I mean Hailee Steinfeld is your mom and she's a great singer, you have to have a great voice," She says. "ehh I don't-- I don't think I have a great voice," I said and she perks up. "so you have sang before"

"yeah, I'm not good though," I said and she smiled. "can you sing right now?" She said. "yeah, no" She pouted. "please" She whined. "no" I get a call from Hailee and I pick up. "thank God, you saved me"

"From what," She asked. "someone is trying to get me to sing," I said and poked Addi with my elbow. "haven't heard you sing before" I rolled my eyes. "not you too"

"I'm just saying," She said. "okay, whatever what do you need?" I asked. "some stuff from the store"

"alright just text the stuff that you need," I said. "okay, I'll see you later," She said. "yeah, see ya" I hang up the phone and turn to Addison. "we gotta go to the store," I tell Addi. "alright let's go," She said and stood up. "okay"


We get to the store and we get the stuff that Hailee wanted. "can we get a Lego set?" Addi asked and looked at me. "sure"

We go to the lego area place and look at the lego sets. "what one do you want" She picks one up and looks at me pouting. "please" She said. "you know I can't say no to that face" I said and she smiled. "yay!" She puts it in the cart and we go to the cash register. I buy the stuff and we get back home.


Addison and I were doing the Lego set we got, and started it on the dinner table and it was getting hot so I took off my shirt. "really?" She said and I looked at her. "what?" I asked. "what do you think"

"Because I'm shirtless?" I asked. "good job you got it right" She kissed my cheek and I blushed.


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