Miya Osamu

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Male Y/N, angst(ish) turned fluff, Y/N's parents are overbearing and expect way too much. One day it became too much so the team helped Y/N stand up to them.


You rushed into class, immediately sat down and got your notebooks out. You were early so you decided to get some homework done. You were the first person to arrive so it was quiet and you got a lot of work done. Then students started to file in and you struggled to concentrate because of the noise. A certain noisy, grey-haired boy sat next to you and loudly put his books on his desk making you flinch.
"Morning Y/N-san," he said happily as he settled into his chair.
"Not now Osamu." you replied as you still tried to get the last of your homework done. Osamu looked a little sad but brushed it off thinking you were trying to finish late homework.

This happened all throughout the day. Osamu would try and talk to you and you would shut him down because you were trying to get work done. By the end of the day you had all your homework finished and even extra credit work. This was all because you could not risk failing the mid-term exams otherwise your parents would stop you playing volleyball. However, Osamu and the team didn't know that they just thought you were hard-working but in fact it was the exact opposite. Your parents put a lot of pressure on you to be the perfect child. You had to have good grades, glowing reports and be amazing at your chosen sport which was volleyball. However, when your parents noticed a slip in your grades when you started playing volleyball this year they were outraged. You had to get your grades up otherwise they would stop you playing. You were absolutely terrified of that happening. Volleyball was one of the few things you really enjoyed and you didn't want your parents to take that away from you. So you listened and you studied which meant you unintentionally ignored your best friend and the team.

Weeks went by and you had barely spoken to Osamu at all. No matter how hard he tried to talk to you, you would just shut down the conversation. Osamu thought he did something wrong, or that someone had to you that he liked you. He was terrified that you hated him because he had a crush on his best friend when in fact you were the same. You loved Osamu with your whole heart you just weren't very good at showing it.

One practice things were going incredibly wrong. Your serves weren't going over the net, you keep screwing up receives and your spikes kept getting blocked.
"What's up with you today Y/N?" Osamu asked, worried about you.
"It's nothing!" you snapped, causing Samu to flinch.
"There's no need to be like that Y/N. Everyone has days where they're a bit off." You heard Atsumu say behind you.
"Yea! Well I'm not everyone am I?!" You shouted as you went to grab your bag and leave. You were done with practice for the day.
"Y/N, practice isn't over yet." Kita said calmly.
"It is for me. I have homework to do." you replied bluntly.
"Not everything is about homework Y/N." Osamu said to you. You snapped. You didn't mean to shout at everyone it just happened.
"You don't think I know that!" you shouted, surprising everyone. "You don't think I know that every moment I'm awake doesn't have to be spent pouring over revision books and notes and homework. I know that. You know that. But try telling my parents that! If my grades aren't perfect I can forget about playing volleyball with you guys!"
"W-what?" Osamu asked, taken aback by your sudden outburst.
"I don't have a choice. It's either get perfect grades and play with you or get good grades and be banned from volleyball. And I'll be damned if my parents are taking my pride and joy away from me." you said quietly as you prepared to leave again.
"Is that why you've been ignoring me?" Osamu asked.
"I haven't been ignoring y-" you started but you were interrupted.
"Yea y'have Y/N. Samu has been in a grump because he hasn't been getting his daily chat with his favourite person." Atsumu pointed out.
"That's one way to put it." muttered Suna.
"It's not just Osamu. We all miss you. You've been missing team hangouts, group study sessions and cancelled on us all multiple times." Aran explained.
"I-I didn't realise. I've been working so hard to keep my grades up that I didn't realise I was ignoring you all." All of a sudden, two people walked into the gym. You turned to look and your eyes widened to see that your parents had just walked in.
"Y/N darling we've come to pick you up. We know you have some studying to do." your mother said as she started to walk to you. However, Osamu and Atsumu stood in front of you, shielding you from your mother.
"Sorry, ma'am, but practice isn't over yet." Kita said calmly as he walked towards you and the twins.
"Yes, I see that. However my son needs to study and keep his grades up." your mother stated.
"And our friend needs to stay and helps us practice for a game we having coming up." Suna said back as he joined the twins in front of you.
"Enough of this. Y/N come." your father barked. You nodded and started to walk towards them with your head facing the ground. However, you were stopped before you passed the trio in front of you.
"Why should he study during his practice time?" Aran asked.
"He shouldn't even be at practice if he's failing." your mother snapped,
"I'm in his classes and can assure you he is not failing in fact he's the top of our class and everyone else if far from catching up." Osamu stated.
"I would also like to add that when he isn't practicing incredibly hard or studying, he's tutoring the rest of us on subjects we're shaky on." Atsumu added.
"He's a hard worker and he doesn't need your impossible expectations on his shoulders all of the time. That's too much stress for a child." Kita calmly stated as he also stood in front of you with the twins and Suna.
"Not to forget he needs time to relax and have fun with his friends, with us." Aran pointed out as he too stood in front of you.
"We're just trying to do what's best for our son." you mother shouted.
"What's best for your son isn't controlling his every move and not letting him have a life of his own!" Osamu shouted, surprising you and the rest of the team.
"He's a child! He doesn't know what's best for himself!" your mother shouted back.
"That's my choice..." you said quietly. Everyone looked at you in surprise, especially your parents.
"Nonsense. Y/N come here." your father commanded.
"No." you said firmly.
"What did you just say to me boy!?" your father shouted making you flinch. Osamu put a hand on your shoulder as you took a deep breath.
You took a step forward, looked at your parents and said as firmly as you could, "I said no. I want to stay here and practice with my friends. I want to have a laugh and mess around. I want to act like a child for once instead of whatever it is you want me to be." You paused for a moment and Osamu's hand fell from your shoulder. You turned slightly, looked at Osamu and grasped his hand in yours. Osamu blushed and nodded at you to carry on.
"I want to be able to fall in love. And make mistakes. And make my own decisions. I don't want to live in the shadow of this person you have created for me to be. I want to live my own life and if my life has to be without you then so be it." you finished and held your breath.
"Well in that case. You are no longer welcome in our house. Find somewhere else to live your reckless and stupid lifestyle and when your ready to listen to us again you can come home." your mother said then walked away with her nose in the air and your father following.
"Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out b*tch!" Atsumu shouted as your parents walked out of the gym. Suna slapped his head as you broke down in tears into Osamu's chest.
"I'm homeless.." you muttered.
"No yer not." Atsumu said. You looked up from Osamu's chest in confusion.
"He's right our mum would be happy to have you come live with us." Osamu explained. Shocked you looked back and forth between the two for a minute.
"R-really?" you asked to be sure. Both of them nodded and smiled at you.
"Yea. She loves you. Almost as much as I do." Osamu admitted as he looked you in the eye.
"Yes! He finally admitted it!" Atsumu shouted.
"Shut up, Tsumu!" Suna said smacking him again. You laughed at them and then looked back at Osamu.
"I love you too. You big idiot." you said as you grabbed his head and kissed him. He kissed you back almost immediately causing the whole team to cheer. After a moment or two, the two of you broke apart.
"Okay! Now that all the drama is done. Let's get back to practice, we do have a game coming up after all." Kita said as he clapped his hands together.
"Yes captain!" the team called back. Everyone ran back onto the court with new found energy and you with a newfound love.

Maybe things won't be too bad from now on.


Hope you enjoyed the story. Next up Sugawara Koushi. Don't forget to vote, comment and request. Ask for a shout out and you'll get one.

See you around looneys.

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