At last he caressed his head planting a soft kiss on his forehead.
"Sleep tight, My Ducky."
He wished with smile and left to call his Boss.


Before he could dial Park's number he got call from other side.

"How's David?"
Ask Park worriedly.

"You should have told me about David, Boss.
I could have been more careful."
Tae answers coldly.

Park got a minor shock from Tae's tone.

He never heard this type of tone except from Lam and Forth.

Park came inside making Tae sigh.
He was sure that he locked every gate earlier.

Park went to David's room.

He kissed his head checking his body for every possible injury.

"Young Master is safe."
Tae hissed.

Park nods and walks outside.

"Why you didn't tell me?"
He demands.

"What you know?"
Park asked.

"David is hybrid and they want to sell him first but then their boss wants to keep David for himself."
Tae glares coldly on other side.

Park sat down on sofa taking support.

"Does David knows about it too?"
Asked Park.

"David doesn't knew before hand?"
Asked Tae surprisingly.

Park nods.

"Nobody knows except you, Me and Bella."
Park said shortly while telling him about David.

"I'll stake my life to protect Young Master David, Boss.
I promise."
Tae said making Park look at him surprisingly.

"Master David is too precious to even know about these filthy Mafias."
Tae said clenching his fist.

"I trust you Tae.
Park pats his shoulder and presses his palm firmly.
Thankyou for saving my son today."
He said.

"I'll always, Boss."
Tae answers.

"Tomorrow is sunday.
Take him somewhere like river or lake side.
He would be devastated in morning."
Park advised making Tae nods.

"Ask Evan to call me in morning."
Park orders and left.


"Good morning Young Master."
Tae greets Dav with hot honey tea.

"My head hurts."
David groans.

Tae smiles and sat beside his bed.

David gasped seeing this gesture.

Did I passed out?"
He asked worriedly.

Tae nods simply.

"Did I....I mean...did I ..."
David couldn't complete.

Tae caresses his head.

"You didn't do anything last night."
He answers softly.

Suddenly David realised last night attack.

He hugged Tae tightly.
"How did you saved us?"
David asked burying his face on Tae's chest making Tae's hurt jumping inside.

He caresses David's back.
"Nobody can hurt you until I am alive, Young Master.
Nobody can even lay a single finger on your hair. Don't worry."
Tae replied which made David calm.

Then again David pulls himself suddenly.

Tae missed the warmth immediately.

But next movement of David melted his already shaky heart.

David cupped his face woth both of his soft palm.
"Did they hurt you?
Are you okay?
You didn't get any injury. Did you?"
Asked David concerningly.

Tae smiles genuinely.

"Young Master has strongest Bodyguard."
Tae answers making Dav chuckle.

"Wanna go somewhere today?"
Asked Tae from David.

David shakes his head.

"What if they come back again?"
He mumbled.

Tae held David's hand.

"Because of few bastards, you cannot stop enjoying your life, Young Master.
Beside I am here.
I promise that I won't let anything happen to you."
Tae said sincerely making David smile with misty eyes.

"Is it just Bodyguard care or you are opening your heart for me?"
David thinks in mind looking at Tae lovingly.

Tae wanted to kiss his forehead like how he did last night but he cannot.
Ofcourse he is just a Bodyguard.

He asked for assurance.

David nods with smile.

Tae smiles back.


"What is this?"
Asked Lam throwing papers on Park's table.

Park sighs.

"I can explain baby."
He said slowly.

Lam glares.
"You should since two years ago."
Lam hissed.

"I am sorry."
Park pleads.

Lam glares.

"Who else knows this?"
Asked Lam.

"Me, Bella and Bodyguard Tae."
Park answers.

"Not even Beam?"
Asked Lam surprisingly.

"Not even Forth."
Park whispers.

You better have good explanation about this, Babe."
Lam pulls his hand taking him to Mansion.


Stay safe and smiling.

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