♤ ❀ | kaito x reader

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might as well start off with probably one of the most simped dude in the mimic ig 🤷

you heard a little bit of a commotion from the upper stairs, and of course you knew who it was since he was your boyfriend after all.

you raised your voice to say what you always said every morning

"good morning sweetheart..!"

the sounds stopped for a bit, and then you heard a voice respond


you sighed as you left out a little laugh

you cracked the egg open to let it sit on the pan for a little

you then thought about how ridiculous he was for a bit

if you didn't find him he would've died lonely, I mean- it's not rude If it's the truth.

what I mean is that he would've got himself killed out there if it weren't for you, if you didn't meet on that day.

even though he doesn't really do anything but work, eat, and sleep, he's quite charming to you.

the important thing about him is that he cares about you, and that's all the acceptance you need.

you've heard countless stories about the lovers of the emporer, having luxurious homes, a family, servants, anything you would ever want.

but you've always heard about the emporers not really caring for their women, they'd only care about the children to.. "carry their legacy"

you were disrupted by a soft kiss on you cheek

"whatcha cooking?"

you slightly jumped

"god, you scared me.."

he put his hands around your waist, even though he's done this plenty of times before it still makes you feel butterflies

"sorry about that.."

he slightly laid his head on your shoulder

you chuckled

"alright, alright.. I'm busy right now"

he stepped back respectfully

"y-yeah, of course"

he pulled out a chair from the dining table and watched you do your magic

honestly, he watched in amazement as he heard the sizzling and the humming from that area of the kitchen

he enjoyed watching you cook, mostly because he had no idea how to turn an oven on for life- but also because he liked seeing how precise your movements were.

sure you made mistakes here and there, but he wouldn't even spot it since he isn't gordon ramsey

and of course, his favorite part is when you finished

"aand... done!"

you turned around with 2 bento boxes and place them down on the table

he smiled at you

"thanks a bunch love"

you smiled back and nodded

the entire time you either ate quietly or started up a conversation, which you always found difficult to avoid.

the two of you enjoyed the comfort of your presences, ever since he got divorced it wasn't easy for him

especially since he has two children, biwaki and mihari

although, right now you don't have to worry about them since they're off at school

but, the divorce really got to him.. he always seems to be more gloomy when he isn't with somebody,
but thankfully you provide a lantern to shine up his day

he sighs in satisfaction

"thanks for the food [y/n], I really appreciated it"

another smile

you nodded as you were finishing up the last bits of food

so, he went up to go to work

"I'll.. tell you if anything interesting happens while I'm there again, but not a lot of things are happening really.."

"mhm? well, I'll go do some work here- it's spring season so I might as well get started on cleaning before the pollen hits"

he nods

"yeah, I'm probably gonna be sneezing a lot knowing me"

you both laugh

"well, I'll see you for lunch..!"

you wave to him as you both say your goodbyes


this would be the last time your family would be the same


sorry this one sucked AAAAAGGHHH😭😭😭

ok but he would be a great father figure tho 😁

anyways thanks for reading this horrible thing aagyyh

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