Chp.1 Invasion Attack

Start from the beginning

Back with Dutch and them, they are now at their shop, and sailing off to their job...while sailing, Rock and Revy were outside chilling as Rock was tying up a knot off from a rope...

Rock: Okay you do this...and then this...and then around aaaaand...

Rock fails to tie the knot...

Rock: Aw what?? That's funny, I thought I was doing it right.

Revy: Oh come on, you have got to be the clumsiest person I know...or are you just not trying hard enough?

Rock: ...Sorry, heh-

Revy: Give it.

Rock hands her the rope...

Revy: Watch my hands okay? Even a retarded monkey can do it.

Rock: I guess...but why being so hard on me? I never do things like this at work.

Revy: Well then Rock, what kinds of THINGS you do at work then?

Rock: Well I was in the materials procurement department. I took trips, wrote reports....and make calls. But I think bowing my head to my superiors was my real job. At night I accompany my boss late nights for drinks, even get my ass kicker when he's drunk.

Revy: Sheesh, that's a disgusting story I'm heeeing, how can you put up with that shit anyways?

Rock: Heh, well putting it up with it is part of my job. I mean no one wants to end up on the streets.

Revy: ...Pathetic. *he's not fun...even if he is working with us, he's a shitty soft person....unlike "him"...*

Revy then started to have a little flashbacks too, of a partner she knows very well who use to work with her and the others before...and yet...she won't even forget that day...between longer together as best partners...

Rock: Revy? Revy.

Revy: Huh? Oh, what?

Rock: I gotta ask...what did you do before ending up here??

Revy: ...What I do now is what I do pretty much.

Rock: Heh, well let me guess, as a kid you swing a cutlass around, and spend the days near the right, right?

Revy: ...That's the truth...I shot and killed my worthless father, cause he was abusive ,I stole, I killed, beat up and arrested during my childhood...I did everything, that you consider bad....and it ain't no sick joke.

(Lord have mercy she gave us that dark cold back story no Jutsus, hell even I don't think Naruto can handle that)

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(Lord have mercy she gave us that dark cold back story no Jutsus, hell even I don't think Naruto can handle that)

Suddenly, in the boat with Benny, he gets a Alarm from his computer, and his radar showing whatever it's approaching to them fast...he calls Dutch on the headset....

Black Lagoon:Cold Black Hearts(Revy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now