"Believe it or not, but Tenjin used to be the most unsocial boy here." Asuna told her, shocking Itsuki.

"Really? I wouldn't expect that from Ryuuji-kun." That earned a giggle from Asuna.

"It's true. But I suppose he took notice that the younger kids looked up to him, to the point he forced himself to change for them. He's always been a hard worker, though most wouldn't know that with how laid back and lazy he can seem."

Momo returned outside and ran back to Ryuuji, handing him the wet cloth and two bandaids.

"Alright Daisuke, gotta clean these really quick. You have to be brave for me, okay?" Ryuuji said, as Asuna and Itsuki watched.

"B-But, I'm scared...it's gonna hurt." Daisuke muttered, before Ryuuji pat him on the head.

"Well, that is really the only time a man can be brave. There can't be bravery without fear." Ryuuji told the boy with a kind smile. "Listen, Daisuke. Eventually, you'll be around my age, to where it'll be up to you to watch over the children younger than you. Becoming brave now, is better than becoming brave when you're older. So, can you be brave for  me?" Ryuuji asked as he wiped away the tears.

Slowly, Daisuke nodded, making Ryuuji smile. Carefully, he rubbed the wet cloth against Daisuke's knee's, one after the other. He would let out a small yelp here and there, but he kept his tears in. Once the blood was all gone, Ryuuji took the bandaids out from their respective wrappers, placing one on each knee.

"And done." Ryuuji pat the young boy on the arm softly. "See, wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Nuh uh." The boy shook his head as he slowly stood up. "Can I go back to playing?" Daisuke asked, as Ryuuji finally took notice of Asuna and Itsuki.

"Of course, just be careful now, don't need you hurting yourself again. Now go have fun. I have to go have a chat with the grown folk." Daisuke nodded, before running back to the group of kids.

Ryuuji picked up the bandaid wrappers and cloth, before walking towards the two women.

"Eatsuki, wasn't expecting to see you today. What's the occasion." He asked her, already starting to tease a bit.

"I-I already told you to stop calling me that." She huffed with crossed arms, making Ryuuji laugh.

"Sorry, sorry. So what's up?" He asked, as she unfolded her arms, reaching into her pocket and pulled out an envelope. "Hmm? What's that?"

"Your payment. My father left your payment with me, so I thought I'd give it to you personally." She handed him the envelope. Instantly, he opened it, and took out 50,000 yen.

"That's...a lot for just two days of tutoring. I just know Fuu is gonna be shocked seeing this much."

"It's 5,000 per each of us, and since it was two days, the total came out to 50,000. I'll be leaving now-"

"Hold it." Ryuuji interupted her, placing the money back in the envelope. "Can't really take this if we didn't really teach you girls anything. If I'm earning money from this, it's because work was actually done and progress was actually made. Not that you're helping with that, miss 'I'll study on my own'." Ryuuji explained.

"Oh really, what about the sexual harassment?"

"Ara, really now, Tenjin. I didn't know you were going over to do that." Asuna spoke, before Ryuuji pointed a finger Itsuki's way.

"We already moved past that, you idiot. And that's not what it was, Lady Asuna. Just one of those idiots falsely accusing me because she hates me and Fuu."

"Well, I don't think you've done nothing to us..." 

"What?" Ryuuji was confused.

"You're presence is beginning to change the five of us." Itsuki explained.

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