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"im gonna do gonna tell her today"
intak said
"ok well maybe tomorrow"
intak was whispering to himself in his room
"no im gonna just do it now while we have privacy"
flo and tak were home alone the others had gone to the shop
*knock knock knock* flo heard on her bedroom door
"COME IN" she shouted
"oh hi tak what's up"
"oh em are you busy cuz if you are i can come back"
"nope im not what's up" she said giving him a warm smile
"oh well em i need to tell you something important...i- i like you and i dont mean like as in your likeable i mean i like you more than a friend"
flora sat on her bed with a slightly shocked face
"im sorry" intak said
he went to walk out of the door but as soon as he was about to leave flora jumped up and grabbed his hand
he looked back in shock
she got on her tippy toes and kissed his lips
he was still for a moment and then kissed back
"i like you too" she said as she pulled away from the kiss
"so...are we"
"what?" flo said confused
"are we you know... a thing"
"only if you want to be" she said with a smirk
"if course i do" he said laughing
"can we not tell the others for a bit i feel like it would be best"
"yeah i was thinking the same" he said
just as intak was about to plant another kiss on her lips he heard the front door open and quickly leant away from flo
"INTAK, FLO WE GOT YOU CRISPS" seob said in a loud voice
they both walked out of floras room and went to the kitchen
"thanks" they both said
"hey tak you good? you look very red" keeho said
"yeah im fine im just a bit warm thats all"
"oh ok"
keeho theo and jiung were sat on the couch about to watch a film seob and soul were playing the playstation in seobs room and intak and flora were in intaks room watching sweet home
jongseob soul intak and flora all came down to the sitting room and watched with them
the film was finally over
"i think we should go to bed its already 1:30 we have practice tomorrow" keeho said
"yeah im tired" soul said
everyone agreed and all went to their rooms apart from the new couple they waited until everyone else was gone to their own rooms so that intak could sneak flora into his room
they both went to his room and watched the last episode of sweet home they both got very tired after watching the show they gave each other a kiss of the lips and intak spooned flo as they both fell asleep

p1harmony 7th memberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora