Not your toyboy

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💕(Y/N)'s POV💕 

Nervous. That's the only word to describe this feeling. Nervous.

Today was the first day of shooting on a new movie called 'Not your Toyboy'. I was playing the lead girl and playing the main character was Will Poulter. Its about a boy who dumps his girlfriend when he thinks she's only in the relationship to fool around with him. After breaking up and moving on, he finds that finding someone else is hard. And not being a toyboy is even harder. Anyway I'm the girl he ends up with, and its sort of a rom-com. 

But this is my first movie. I've been on a few tv shows here and there but this is nothing compared. I walk in and someone greets me right away. They lead me too my dressing room and hand me my costume. After getting ready they escort me to make up. I don't have to get an awful lot which is good because I don't like loads of stuff on my face. 

Then I'm taken down to set to meet everyone. Thankfully I am not the first nor last person here. Firstly I greet the director having met him before hand, then someone comes up to us. I look to see Will Poulter standing beside me. 

"Hiya Will," Dave, our director, says to him. 

"Hey Dave, hows it going?" He asks. 

"Alright. Have you met (Y/N) yet?" He gestures to me. Will's eyes land on me and he seems taken back. Maybe he didn't know I was there. 

"I haven't and I know I haven't because I would definitely remember meeting someone so beautiful," He sounds slightly mesmerized. I blush slightly then say 

"Um, thanks. I'm (Y/N)," I hold my hand out for him to shake.

"Will," He takes my hand but instead of shaking it, he bends down and presses a kiss to it. It only makes me blush more. He smirks, seeing that he has that effect on me. We sort of just stand there for a bit smiling at each other. Until Dave breaks the perfect silence. 

"Hem hem. Yea, so she will be playing Jane and, (Y/N), Will is playing Greg." I turn my attention to him but not for long. 

"Excellent." Will comments. 

"Ok, so the kissing scene will be tomorrow, just to get it out of the way and so you guys don't have too much time to over think it." He leaves us with that, walking off. 

"You know, I've always liked rehearsals for those kind of things," He hints. I giggle at him. 

"Easy boy," It was fun being with him. I already felt like I could be myself with him. Actually I was already falling. And I had a feeling he was too. 

In the next few days, I found out he had, unfortunately it was during an intense scene. He slipped up and said my name. Then when the cameras cut he told me it was true. 

I smiled and told him the same thing.

Will Poulter ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now