Is this Working?

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As we left Bean in the last chapter she was getting to work to bend in. Now I think she's taking the job too far. Lets see what she's up to.

A factory , rows & rows of the same thing, day in & day out , testing if the factory's products are working good. Oh! Look it's bean working away , & bending in Nicely. Let's get a closer look, bean figures out she needs to press here and pull there , the real good thing is nothing is blowing up! Hehe I'm just kidding , maybe.

As she is doing her work , a man beside her butts in , with the most happiest smile on his face. " You should crank out a few more before the lunch whistle blows ! " He said working happily like a kid in the candy's store. Bean adds " a whistle tells you when to eat? " Says with a very confused face. The man continues " And another for when to work, and another for when to take breaks, and another for when to stop daydreaming. " bean even more puzzled " Wow Whistles control you" she says abit concerned as well.

[ Whistle Blows ]

Bean Cracks her joints in relief , but before she leaves the man tells her " No no, they're just testing out our Product" . She looks at him with a " Meh " face and he shows her where the noise came from. It's whistles on the assembly line, they both go back to work-


The man cracks some joints like Bean did prior & said " that's the lunchtime whistle " he walks off & follows the other workers trying to get a quick meal. Bean follows siot.
As they enter this large area it filled w/ trays & little sandwiches in Cubes . " the Automat. Open any glass door where you see a sandwich " he gives Bean a tray , grabs one for himself , he continues " don't open the doors which have bloodshot eyes staring back at you "
Bean replied " Why? " The man continued

" those are the those are the angry sandwich makers "

" Why are they so angry " 

" They get paid in sandwich "

He grabs a sandwich & Bean looks around for her favorite, she grabs herself one and sits next to the man.

Bean says " wow you can really taste the rage ... Thanks for all this um..."

The man finally says his name " Gordy Stewson . Happy worker! "

Bean struggles abit with saying her name... On one hand she doesn't want to tell him her real name so she needed to think fast! Bean thought for a moment " I'm umm Tia..  yeah that's it. " She said with abit of  unreassurance,  Wow very Creative, but it'll do the trick , let's just hope no one becomes a snitch

Bean starts to say " Man , I wish the Automat could give me what I really want. " Bean looks down , abit angry & sad. Gordy says " And that is? "
Bean continues " Someone who works here. Evil eyes holier than thou attitude , always scheming, I'm guessing she's working in Human resources. she looks like this   " Her face is more of angry now..

Bean makes the rest of the Sandwich into a face, Gordy looks at her concerned and also confused
Gordy says to Bean looking on " that salami could be anyone, Tia this company is gigantic, and makes everything from blimps to buses to banjos. There's even a division that makes banjo music for blimps! " Gordy looking more happy .. if that was even possible he continues " Oh, I love " Foggy Mountain Airship Disaster". "

[ imitates music/guitar ] [ Screaming that was in the song]

Bean interrupts him " Gordy! Gordy, Focus" Gordy replies " Sorry , this meat woman you seek, she could work anywhere, "
Bean replies " but you know you're way around you could help me find her".  Gordy now looking abit scared of the thought " Loitering outside of designated work zones , that's ground for dismissal".  Bean doesn't take his fear to heart " So it's agreed , We don't get caught "

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